4: I Dont Know Them, Please Make Them Leave

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Chapter 4: "I Don't Know Them, Please Make Them Leave"

Ashley's POV

Let me tell you, having a broken leg out of nowhere isn't very fun, mmkay? I have the right to stay unconscious for a week! Or do I? Yes, I said a week. I've been passed out for a week. I think. Oh my god, maybe I've been in a coma for a YEAR! Holy crapping burrito puppy nuggets! Okay, wait. Calm down, Ashley, don't you dare trust a paper calendar.

"Harry, I don't think she's awake yet-" the door opened, revealing a boy with curly brown hair and another lad with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes wide in fear. Who are they and what the hell are they doing in my hospital room?!

"Ashley!" The one called 'Harry' ran to the bed I was sitting on.

By instinct, I raised my arms in front of my face, flinching.

"Ash?" The one with blue eyes called, softly.

I lowered my arms, fear evident in my own eyes. "Please don't hurt me." I whispered, sounding as pathetic as I felt.

"W-What? Ashley, you know we'd never hurt you. Ever." Curly looked hurt, he stepped back.

I shook my head. "No, I don't know. I don't know who you are, and I'd rather you stay away from me." I reached out and pressed the button that called the nurse to the room.

Instead of a nurse, a guy walked in, he was wearing clothes a doctor would wear so...I assume he's a doctor. A very hot one at that.

"Ah, you're awake, Ms. Tomlinson." The doctor grinned. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I don't know them," I said, referring to the two boys. "Please make them leave." my voice cracked.

The doctor looked surprised. "Harry, Louis, I think you should come back another time."

'Harry' and 'Louis' lowered their heads sadly, walking out the door.

The doctor- oh wait, his name tag says Dr. Williams. Okay, then.

Dr. Williams closed the door and pulled a chair near my bed, sitting down. "Dont pay attention to the name tag," He chuckled. "My name's Kade Stone, I'm just filling in for my older brother, and don't worry, I come from a family of doctors so I know enough to treat you."

I smiled weakly. "Nice to know."

"Anyways... Ashley, you have amnesia."

"Amnesia?" I frowned. Wait. I knew those boys?

"Yes, you got hit on the head real hard. Hopefully it's temporary but I can't be sure because you've been in a coma for two weeks.."

Wow. Two weeks. Well, it's better than a year right?

"But... I remember everything, my 16th birthday was just yesterday."

"16? Ashley, you're 17."

"What? When did that happen?" I scrunch my nose up in confusion.

Kade smiled slightly. "Amnesia, remember?"

"Oh, right... so what happened?"

He looked pained. "I'm afraid I can't tell you."

"Why not?" My voice raised slightly. "I missed a year of my life! The least you could do is tell me some of the things that happened."

"Ash, I can't tell you 'cause I actually don't know."

"Ah. Okay, then." I blushed slightly

Kade smiled. "Since you can go home today... would you like to grab some coffee with me?"

What?! No! What if he hurts me?!

Oh, shut up, take some risks!


Excuse me, what?

"Sure, why not?" I smiled back at him.

What do I have to lose?


Sorry, short chapter. And I really appreciate the comments! <3

Next chapter up soon! Hopefully!

Btw, I think some of you might really hate me for making Ashley lose her memory but it's part of my plan (that I just got a minute ago).

Thanks for the support!!

Love you guys!

- Your Author

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