1: Woken Up By 'I Would'

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Chapter 1: Woken Up By 'I Would'

Ashley's POV

I was sleeping when I heard singing, One Direction.

I woke up on a bed.

Oh no Drake found me.

But wait Drake hates One Direction let alone songs.

Something is wrong in that song, I don't hear the fifth voice, Louis's.

I sat up and winced.

"Careful." A voice beside me said

I turned my head to see Louis Tomlinson sitting on a chair.

"Mum told me about you yesterday. Are you ok sis?" Louis asked standing up and sitting at the edge of my bed

Tears formed in my eyes and I hugged Louis.

"I-I can't believe I found y-you." I sobbed

"Shhh..it's going to be alright Ash." Louis said stroking my hair

"I love you Louis. I know we just met but-"

"I love you too." He interrupted

"I see you already befriended the new girl. You just met and already are telling each other I love you's." a voice said

I broke out of the hug and looked at the doorway.

A guy was standing there smirking.

Harry Styles.

"Hazza, this is my sister Ashley Tomlinson." Louis said

"One more? Wow..." Harry muttered

I sat at the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you can get up?" Louis asked

"I'm fine." I smiled and stood up

"Where's Avril?" I asked just noticing

"She's playing with Danielle."


"Liam's girlfriend." Harry replied

I nodded.

We walked downstairs.

"So who's that guy who was following you?" Harry asked, his hands in his pockets casually

I shut my eyes.

"Do you mind me asking?" Harry asked concerned

"No, He's my stepdad. Drake."

"He was yelling at you and he was holding a knife so I took you in the van."

"You took me in?"

Harry shrugged.

"I didn't want to leave you there with a crazy guy." He smiled

"Ashley!!" A voice yelled

I turned to look who said it.

I can't believe my eyes.

My long lost-

"MUM!!" I yelled and ran to hug her

She hugged me back.

"I miss you." I hugged

"I miss you too sweetie."

I looked up at her and broke out of the hug.

"I want you to meet One Direction." Mum said gesturing to five boys bickering

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