I'm That Crazy Aunt

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AN: Ok, so Tate is born a year after Bella goes with Stan, so he's three by the time Fidds goes up to Gravity Falls. Also, by the time Tate is born, Bella knows about Stan and Ford being twins.

Once. Twice. It's become routine by now. Fiddleford stopped requiring her to call every night about a month ago, but she obviously still called frequently. She couldn't go more than a week without talking to her best friend.

"McGucket reference, Fiddleford speakin'."

"Hey Fidds!" Bella grinned like she always did upon hearing his voice. Stan leaned against the car nearby, a cigarette in his mouth.

"Bella! Ah was hoping ya'd call soon," Bella could hear the smile in his voice. "Ah've got news!"

"Let me hear it," Bella said.

"Elizabeth is pregnant!" Fiddleford exclaimed happily.

"What?! Oh my gosh, Fidds!" Bella squealed. "That's so awesome! Yer gonna be a dad!"

"Ah know! It's excitin'!" Fiddleford chuckled. "An' yer gonna be an aunt, Bella."

"Oh my gosh that's right," Bella whispered loudly. "Ah'm gonna be an aunt! Aww, I won' be able ta see it, though! The baby. Since Ah'm, y'know, all the way across the country. Stan!" She leaned out of the phone booth, catching her boyfriend's attention. "What state are we in?!"


"We're in Illinois," Bella said into the receiver.

"Ah heard," Fiddleford responded. "But can' ya just drive back here? As far as Ah'm aware, y'all don' have any schedule."

"Well we could fer the birth," Bella said. "But I mean Ah wouldn' be able ta see it that much. I don' think we'd be able ta stay."

"True, true," Fiddleford agreed. "Ya could come up in 'round nine months though, and hang 'round till the baby's born. Even if it's in another state or city."

"Yeah, we probably could," Bella nodded. "I'll talk ta Stan about it. Well, Ah should get goin'. We need ta find a... hotel ta stay in. Before... night."

"Alright. Talk ta ya later," Fiddleford said.

"You too. Love you!" Bella made a kissing noise twice.

"Love ya too," Fiddleford made the same noise.


Bella tapped her foot anxiously as the phone rang. Fiddleford hadn't answered yesterday, so Bella was hoping that meant that Elizabeth had gone into labor and had the baby. Then again, she had a habit of getting her hopes up.


"Yes! Elizabeth went inta labor! The baby's here!"

Bella squealed excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshoh my gosh!" She cheered. "I'm an aunt!"

"An' Ah'm a dad!" Fiddleford exclaimed. "It's a boy, he's absolutely beautiful, an' his name's Tate."

"Aww!" Bella cooed. "I can' wait ta see him! We'll be right down!"

She hung up the phone after saying goodbye and ran out to surprise hug Stan.

"Woah!" Stan yelped, able to steady himself so they didn't fall over. "What's with you?"

"The baby was born!" Bella squealed, jumping on her heels and kissing Stan each time. "Come on come on, we gotta go!"

"Ok ok!" Stan laughed as he was pulled towards the car and shoved into the driver's seat. Bella ran to jump into the passenger's seat and quickly buckled up. She shook with excitement in her seat, squealing. "Alright, we're on our way to Palo Alto."

The car drove off, beginning the thirteen-hour trip to the city.


Bella and Stan didn't arrive at Fiddleford's house until nine the next day. Stan was shocked that Bella hadn't exploded out of excitement by that point.

"Alright, here we-" The car had barely stopped before Bella was out and running up to the front door. "-are."

Stan laughed at his girlfriend's excitement and soon followed her. Bella knocked on the front door, and Fiddleford was answering the door by the time Stan reached the house.

"FIDDS!" Bella screamed, jumping up to hug the taller man. "I missed you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!"

"Oh boy, Ah missed ya too!" Fiddleford chuckled, hugging Bella back and allowing the many kisses she placed on his face. "It's been way too long!"

"I know!" Bella agreed. "Now where's the baby?"

"Tate's in his room," Fiddleford said, leading the two of them inside. "Howdy Stan."

"Hey," Stan nodded. Fiddleford led them to the baby's room.

"Elizabeth's sleepin' at the moment," he explained quietly. "She said that givin' birth takes a lot outta ya."

"Ah would assume so," Bella giggled. "Yer pushin' a human out of yer vagina. What part'a that sounds easy?"

"None'a it," Fiddleford chuckled. He slowly pushed a door open, revealing Tate's room. Said baby was laying fast asleep in the crib in the corner. Bella gasped softly upon seeing him and let out a quiet "Awww!"

"He's so precious," Bella whispered, approaching the crib. Fiddleford stood beside her, and Stan stood behind them.

"Ain't he?" Fiddleford smiled.

"He's got yer nose," Bella giggled.

"An' my eyes," Fiddleford added. "Can' see 'em right now, a'course, but he really does."

"He really is adorable, Fidds," Bella murmured, leaning on the edge of the crib. "Ah can' wait til I have a kid."

Stan stiffened a bit. Fiddleford looked back at him, snickering slightly.

"Ah know," he said to Bella. "Ya've wanted ta be a mom since we were kids."

"Can ya blame me?" Bella grinned at her friend. "Kids are adorable! And, I jus' feel like I'd be a good mom."

"Ya would," Fiddleford nodded. Soon the three of them left the room and sat in the living room. Stan sat at the end of the couch with Bella on his lap. The woman had her arms wrapped around his neck and her head resting on his shoulder. She yawned, trying to keep her eyes from fluttering shut.

"Tired?" Fiddleford asked teasingly.

"Ah didn' sleep well," Bella mumbled. "Ah was too excited."

"Apparently she woke up like, three times," Stan said, rubbing Bella's arm.

"Ah, that's Bella alright," Fiddleford smiled. "The same thing used ta happen the night a'fore her birthday or Christmas."

"Still happens," Bella spoke up. The other two laughed.

"Well the guest room is open," Fiddleford revealed. "If y'all wanna spend the night, I ain't got a problem with it."

"Yes!" Bella sat up a bit and nodded. She yawned again.

"Why don' ya go lay down now?" Fiddleford suggested. "Get some rest now that ya've seen Tate."

"Yeah, alright," Bella nodded. She gave Stan a kiss and stood up, making her way to the guest room.

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