Friendship Carries on Through the Ages

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AN: Btw, Stan faked Ford's death in this instead of his own. And Stan doesn't cut his mullet off.

"Well that's certainly a hell of a lot better than 'the Murder Hut'," Bella rolled her eyes playfully.

"Thought you would think so," Stan chuckled, sitting beside Marcella with a cup of coffee. Ella and Marcella had turned two years old last month. They now had their own room, too. Bella and Stan had decorated the room with the couch with toys and a small bookshelf, a toddler bed for each twin, and had replaced the blue carpet with a pink one.

"Hey Marcella, can you say 'Mystery Shack'?" Stan asked with a smile. The toddler accidentally dropped her sippy cup on the floor.

"Drink!" She exclaimed, reaching for it. Stan sighed and picked the cup up, setting it back on the high chair.

"Come on, say 'Mystery Shack'-"

"Mys'e'y Shack!"

"See? Ella gets it!" Stan laughed. Bella giggled.

"So Ah was gonna take the twins to the park today," she began, taking a bite of her toaster waffle. "You wanna come along?"

"Ah, I was actually gonna work on making a new sign for the Mystery Shack," Stan said. "Next time."

"Alright," Bella shrugged. She smiled at Ella and Marcella. "We'll just make it a mommy-daughter day then. Huh?"

"Yah!" Marcella cheered.


"Ok Ella, pink or orange?"

The younger toddler looked between the two skirts that Bella was holding out.

"O'ange!" She said, pointing at the skirt.

"Orange it is," Bella smiled. She finished dressing Ella with the skirt and a pair of black tights, who was already wearing a blue shirt with a green dragon on it. Marcella was wearing a purple shirt with a white kitten on it, a pink skirt, and black tights. Both of the twins' shirts were long-sleeved, since it was still a bit chilly outside.

"Mommy! M'ere!" Marcella yelled from out in the hall. "M'ere!"

"Alright, we're goin'," Bella laughed. "To the park!"

Both girls yelled in excitement and ran off down the hall to the front door. Bella went after them, seeing them jumping up and down in front of the door.

"Don' forget yer shoes," Bella reminded, pulling on a fluffy gray jacket. Ella and Marcella each grabbed a pair of shoes and ran over to their mom. Bella helped them put the shoes on before putting her own shoes on.

"Park! Park! Park!"

Bella laughed and led the twins outside. She strapped them into a double stroller and began the walk to the park. Bella walked slowly, enjoying the trees surrounding the Mystery Shack.

"Mommy, bunny!" Marcella exclaimed suddenly.

"Where?" Bella asked.

"D'ere!" Marcella pointed by the trees. Bella looked to see a tiny man with a pointed hat and a beard. She screamed and quickly pulled the stroller away, not taking her eyes off the tiny man. It screamed as well and scampered off into the forest.

"What the hell was that?" Bella mumbled fearfully.


"I dunno what that was, but it was... not a bunny," Bella said. She quickly finished the way through the forest. Once she reached town she slowed back down, sighing in relief. They soon arrived at the park and Bella let the twins out of the stroller and set them down by the sandbox.

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