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Jaehwa POV

Jimin and I were watching kdramas on the TV when he asked me something.

"Hey you wanna go take a walk with me?" He asked. It was like 10pm, what would he want to take a walk for? I kinda wanted some fresh air, so I agreed with a nod. We got our shoes on and let my parents know that we were leaving. When I walked out the door, I immediately felt the relaxing breeze. I closed my eyes breathing in the air. When I opened them, I was shocked to see Jimin staring at me. It seemed like he realized what he was doing so he averted His gaze and said "l-lets walk". I smiled and began walking with him, thinking nothing of his actions.

"Oh look, ice cream! Let's go get some." I asked pointing at the  ice cream shop across the street, grabbing jimins hand to lead him towards it. He flinched at my touch.

"Sure" he replied. We walked over to it and sat on a bench out in front. "You stay here while I go order" he said and walked off. I stared at him as he made his way inside the small shop. I never really noticed how well built Jimin was. Especially his thighs.

For some reason I wanted to sit on them.

Yah! Jaehwa what are you thinking?!? Have I gone insane? I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Jimin walking towards me with 2 strawberry ice creams in each hand. I smiled the second I saw him.

"Here." He handed me the ice cream and sat down next to me. We ate it in silence until Jimin broke it.

"h-hey Jaehwa?" I hummed in response.

"will y-you go out w-with me?"



Ugh. I feel like this was so cringy and cliché.

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