What's Wrong?

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Chapter 4

When the doors of the privet counsel room were opened, all six bodyguards snapped out of their thoughts. They watched as some of the nobles exited the room, "Well!" said Kid, "Nice to meet ya Roronora." He and the others advanced outside the palace. Zoro stayed put, "Where is he?" He thought to himself.
Then, he saw him. The prince came out with the king, but they stopped right outside the doors. The king seemed to be talking with the prince with his hands gripping the sides of the young man's arms. But what was the most strange, was that the boys eyes were black from the shadow of his golden hair, "Is he, alright?" Zoro wondered, his eyes widened lightly. The king continued to talk to him, looking as if his subject was very urgent, as if he were scolding a small child for doing something terribly wrong.
Abruptly, the prince pulled away form his uncle's loose grip, and darted toward the entrance, "Sanji!" the king called.
Zoro just stood there, with his mouth open slightly, but his eyes open wide, "Sanji..." he repeated ever so quietly, "His name is... Sanji..."
"Sanji come back!" The king shouted across the courtroom, his words echoing as he did so. It was that moment Zoro snapped out of it. He turned his head just in time to catch a glimpse of the blond haired boy quickly exiting the room. Before running after him Zoro took one more look at the king, who was rubbing his face with his hands, as a fellow counsel man patted him on the shoulder for comfort.
Zoro rushed out of the palace, "Great... I didn't see were he went," he said quietly. So he decided to just walk around, "Maybe he went into the gardens..." he ventured into the palace gardens. "Should I call out to him?" he shook his head, "It's best that I leave him alone, he looked pretty mad." He decided to make his way back to the palace, "I could wait for him there." He was about to make his way back when his face tensed up; he was lost. "Ugh, I hate this maze. How did I even get in here?" he hissed through gritted teeth. He had no chose but to try and re-trace his footsteps, "Everything looks the same!!" He was wondering for ten minutes, or was in fifteen? When he heard the sound of water, like a pond. He tried to find the pond, but got lost for another five or six minutes first. He finally made it.
"Ugh, finally. Ah..." He froze suddenly and his eyes were enlarged. He saw a young man with golden hair, rolled up in a bun on his head, sitting on the ground over the pond, using his arms for support. Zoro watched the prince crouched over, hearing little snuffling sounds, "Y...your highness?" The prince's head spun around, revealing his pink cheeks and nose, and most noticeable, his gorgeous blue eyes, filled with tears. Zoro's eyes shook, and his face became pink from blushing. But he wouldn't see that face for long, for Prince Sanji quickly turned away and wiped away his tears with his silky light blue sleeve.
"Oh, Zoro," he sniffed. And much to the swordsman's surprise, the prince stood to his feet, "My apologies I, forgot about you," he chuckled and turned to face him, a small calm smile on his face, "I forgot, I'm sorry." Zoro simply stared, his mouth open.
"Your majesty, are you...?" He extended his hand out to the prince self-consciously, leaving the prince wide-eyed, "Are you gonna be okay?" For a moment they just stood there like that, only a foot or so apart. And, for a moment, the prince felt like taking his hand. He stared at it, just as his mussels were about to move, the swordsman took several steps back, clearing his throat, "I'm uh... glad your okay your highness. I was worried." "What are you saying moron?!" He scolded himself on the inside. He heard the prince chuckled again.
"I'm fine thank you. I just..." he looked away, "I didn't really like what was said at the meeting, but everything is alright now. There's nothing to worry about."
"That's not how you're acting."
"So um, I'm sorry I stormed out suddenly. I bet you got lost looking for me huh?" Zoro's face tightened up again.
"I did not!" he protested, causing the prince to laugh lightly, "Honestly though, what happened in that room?"

After all that was said and done, the prince said that Zoro was dismissed, "Are you aloud to do that your highness? I am your bodyguard after all."
"Hm, yes. I have some afternoon classes that I must attend too. And believe it or not, so do you."
"Me your highness?"
"Yes. All bodyguards have training for an hour or two each evening, you could only attend when your master tells you your dismissed of course."
"What do I do after them?" he asked.
"I believe they have dinner for you, which reminds me, yesterday, I forgot that you may not have eaten. I'm sorry you were never given the chance to eat."
"It's fine," Zoro replied simply.
"Lastly, I'll walk you there so you won't... you know..." the prince giggled, "Get lost again."
"I don't get lost. I take my time."
"Of course. Come on."
Zoro followed the prince back into the palace. Surprisingly the place for the guards was under ground, the only light was from candles and chandeliers, it was very well lit all the same, "Well here you are," said the prince, "You can stay here for as long as you like. I won't be needing your services the rest of the day, so when your done, you my retire for the night." Zoro bowed in response.
"Thank you, your highness." The prince nodded his head, and was gone.
The swordsman sighed, and turned around. He saw Kid, sitting with the other bodyguards form before, so he decided to sit with them, seeing as he didn't know anyone else.
"Hey Zoro. Didn't think I'd see you here today. The prince let you off early?"
"Yeah." He sat.
"Here." Kid handed him a giant mug. He took a sip.
"Hey, this is pretty good booze."
"Right? The king is generous when it comes to boos. But I heard from one of the maids that they're not nearly as good as the boos and wine given at parties. The king holds lots of them quite often actually." He took a gulp from his own mug and continued, "I heard that there's gonna be another huge party being held next month; for the prince." This really grabbed Zoro's attention.
"On what occasion?"
"Not sure. But I hear it's gonna be huge. Maybe it's the kid's birthday or something." There was a pause, "Oh hey! That reminds me, did you figure out the name of the prince?" Zoro was about to answer but stopped himself.
"I..." He thought about it. For some reason, he wanted to be the only one to know, he wanted it to be a secret, "No. I didn't catch his name..."
"Ugh, what a drag," Kid moaned as he laid back against a wall. Zoro paid no attention to those around him. The only thing he thought about was the prince.
"I know his name. It's Sanji... Prince Sanji..."

A/N: I know it's a short chapter but there you go anyway. (You're welcome).

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