Chapter 14

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Tris pov

I sit on the couch and wait for Tobias to get home. He should be home any minute. We got in a argument and it ended pretty badly.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and that's when he walks in.

I sit up on the couch and he approaches me. He loosens his tie and sits on the couch next to me.

"We should talk" he says and I nod.

"I was just going to say the same thing" I whisper

"I hate when we argue and it just really puts us in a bad place. I don't want us to be in a bad place" he says

"Me neither" I say back

"But I have to tell you something" he says

"Okay" I say worriedly

"Just keep this in mind. What happened between Amber and I meant nothing" he says

"What happened with you and Amber" I say upset. I stand from the couch and cross my arms over my chest.

"Tris it was nothing." He says standing up to comfort me

"Tobias you cheated on me" I say getting ready to cry

"We get in one little argument so you decide to cheat on me with some nurse at work" I add

"No. That's not what happened at all" he says

"Tell me then. Tell me what happened" I say

"I was telling her about our argument because I wanted someone to talk to about it-" he says and I stop him right there

"So you decide to tell Amber out of all people. You know she likes you, why couldn't you tell Zeke. Why do you have to tell anyone at all. It was a stupid argument" I say

"Our very first one at that" I add

"I know so that's why I wanted an opinion" he says and I roll my eyes

"She took that opportunity to kiss me-" he says

"Did you kiss her back" I say and he just looks at me with sad eyes.

"Wow I got my answer" I say wiping tears away

"Did you sleep with her" I ask

"No. We only kissed and the second I realized I was kissing her back I pulled away and told her that was a mistake" he says

"Tris I didn't mean for that to happen" he says and I just march away to our room

I grab a bag and stuff clothes in it.

"Where are you going" he ask

"To my parents house" I say

"Come on tris you don't have to leave" he says

"I don't want to but I need a break. We need a break" I say

"Are you breaking up with me" he says and I let go of the bag and bend to the floor and cry

He comes to my side and hugs me.

"You don't have to go" he says

"I really don't want to but if we're going to try and work things out in the future I need some time away to just recover from your kiss with Amber" I say

"How long are you going to be with your parents" he says

"I'm not sure. Until I'm ready to come home but it will take some time it could be weeks, months, a year." I say

"A year! Tris we're having a child together and I want to be there for you and the baby" he says

"You will be. You can come to doctor appointments, baby shopping, who knows I might have a baby shower" I say

"I'm going to miss you" he says

"I'm going to miss you too" I say letting my tears fall

"Stay safe and heathy okay" he says

"I will" I say

"I'm not going to let anything happen to our baby" I say

We look into each other's eyes. His sad eyes look into my tear filled eyes. I put my hands on his face and tears continue to fall.

"Shh don't cry" he whispers and I sigh

I put my lips to his and slowly kiss them as I cry into our kiss. I kiss him again and he deepens it. I then pull away and remove my hands from his face.

"So we're broken up" he ask

"Yeah" I whisper

"Go kiss and sleep with whoever you want now" I add

"Friends?" he ask

"Friends." I say

"We can be friends with a baby" I add

"Or friends with benefits and a baby" he says and I playfully push him

"Okay I'm going to go now" I say

He sighs and nods

"Okay" he says

I grab my bag and he takes it from me, walking me out.

"If you even want to come back you can" he says

"I know" I say

I get in the car and take one last glance of him. Oh how I'm going to miss him.

I drive away and call my mom.

"Mom I'm coming home" I say when she answers

"Is everything okay?" She ask

"Everything's fine. I just want to be home" I say

"We'll talk more later bye" I add

"Bye sweetheart" she says and I hang up.

The other day Tobias and I were telling each other how much we love each other now we're broken up, just friends, with a baby.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thought it wasn't crappy.

Don't worry fourtris will be together again just not now

Give me any ideas you have PLEASE




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