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Mark and Jungkook have been trying to figure out everything for days. So far no one knows about anything and they don't plan on telling too many people.

"How about we hire a woman to accuse Mr.Nam of rape and then-"

"And then when they find out that we planned it they're going to throw us in jail" Mark finished for him. He shook his head at the absurdity of the younger one.

They continue to roam the streets just trying to think of a way to remove Mr.Nam out of Taehyun's life so that they could take him down.

"Then how about-"

"Is anyone there? I need help..." the two boys stop infront of what looked like an abandoned building. They stayed quiet and hoped to hear what made them stop in the first place.

"Please someone help me" the voice was definitely from a man. But one that sounded on the verge of his own death bed.

Immediately they rushed inside the building, even if it looked like it could collapse at any second. The area was definitely dark, even the small cracks that allowed the sunlight to get through didn't help.

Mark took his phone out and turned on his flashlight. On the floor piled up with rubbish left behind by the people who use to live here. Bugs crawled on the floor trying to find a hiding spot from the intruders.

"Where are you?" Jungkook calls trying to get the man to plead for help again.

But it stayed completely silent. The old man that begged for help not even making a tiny sound. They wandered deeper into the building.

"Where is he..."

Slowly, Jungkook hooked his arm around Mark, afraid that something could possibly pop up and kill them both. The worst scenario would be a beast or monster of some sort living here and begging for help to lure in his food.

But soon enough they stopped at the very back where an old man lied down on the dirty floor with nothing but an empty bowl.

He was breathing alright but very cold. Immediately Mark kneeled down and tried to wake the man up, but when he had no response, Mark pulled Jungkook down with him, "You stay here and I'll go call the hospital alright?"

Before he could even say anything, Mark rushed out he building to get some help leaving Jungkook alone with the unconscious man.

The living condition was just terrible. Who knows how long he's been living here by himself like this. "Sir? Are you awake?" He shook the man once again but still nothing from him.

At times like this when they should have been planning out things to destroy the Nam family, they're stuck saving a homeless man's life.

"How on earth did you survive living here by yourself even for a few hours?" He stares at the walls grossed.

Eventually, Wendy kneeled down beside him, she held her hand over Jungkook's shoulder but slowly pulled it back. "You need to help him Jungkook...save him" she whispers into his ears.

"Alright lets bring him outside and wait for the help" Mark rushed back to them, placing his phone back into his pocket.

He goes to lift up the man's upper body, motioning for Jungkook to lift up the bottom half of the body. They took rushed but cautious steps towards the broken down door.

"Be careful when we place him down on the floor" Mark points to his jacket and bag that he placed on the ground to make a spot for the man to lay down on.

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