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Jungkook entered the house, his mother knocked out on the couch with the TV still on. He lets out a small laugh before walking about to his beloved mother. The blanket that barely covered her was pulled up more before he turned the TV off.

He could never admit it but he did miss his mother dearly when he left. Being able to see her everyday again wasn't too bad.

Heading up to his room, he climb up the steep steps and enter his cleaned room. Like always, he locked the door and place his bag down before falling over the bed.

The days were longer, or maybe that's what it felt like to him. More tiring, more darker. The feeling of missing her, the feeling of loneliness still felt as new as ever to him.

He'd be lying if he says that Wendy wasn't on his mind 24/7. He'd be lying if he said that he forgot all about her existence. The boy would do anything to see her again.


Wendy sat on the chair facing the window as she watched more hopeful spirits walk pass their house towards the path of a rebirth.

"Is that all you're going to do? Just sit there and stare at everything that passes by?" Sooyoung exclaims as she enters the bedroom and falls onto her bed.

She took her socks off and climbed under her covers before facing Wendy.

For once, she examined Wendy's features. Skin so pale like Snow White. Eyes bigger than life, eyes that scream out emotions that are out of this world. Her hands, always so still but silently trembling. The way her hair falls down her back, every strand spread, exposing her delicate back.

If she had not known the girl, she would've guessed her identity as Snow White that didn't end up with her prince.

The broken Snow White

"Is that wrong?" Wendy lets out a playful laugh but that question was anything but playful. She stands up from the chair and heads on over to her side of the room.

Taking the spot that she left unoccupied by pillows and blankets, Wendy pulled herself even deeper into her bed and covered herself with everything.

"No but it's a sad sight...I really don't want you to be like that" Sooyoung frowns truly worried about Wendy.

"I'll be okay Sooyoung, I promise..."

It was flat. The promise. No assurance. No feelings. No tone. No nothing.

Lord knows how long it'll take for Wendy to actually be okay. But the fact is that she'll never be okay. Never again in this life time.

"Was he a special guy?" Sooyoung never thought to ask her about her lover boy, but she agreed that it was finally time they break down the wall that kept them from being soul sisters.

Wendy smiled, a genuine smile, "More than special. It was like any typical Highschool drama series. I was the nerd, he was the popular guy. I thought he liked me... but he played me...and you know the funny thing is, I still love him"

This made Sooyoung sit up, eyes widen, "You love the guy? Love is a strong word."

She knew. She knew how much those specific three words mean to people, how much it can affect someone. But she also knew that she loves Jungkook.

She loves him

"To think, you were separated from the one person you love so much...do you know how much that hurts Sooyoung?" Wendy frowns again as she recalls the day she parted ways with him.

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