Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Blake pulled up at his family home, where his older brother and sister-in-law were being thrown a ‘welcome home’ party.

Dina, Blake’s step-mother, was waiting for them at the door.

“Katherine, it’s so good to see you again.” She hugged her tightly.

“It’s good to see you too, Dina.” Katherine said, “We haven’t seen each other in a while.”

“That should be remedied.” Dina said, giving Blake a meaningful look.

“I’ll try my best.” He replied dutifully.

“Both of you come on in. William is in his study, I’m pretty sure he wants to see you.” She smiled, then headed off to the back yard to supervise the set up.

Dina definitely went all out for what was supposed to be a small gathering. The trees in the backyard were draped with fairy lights. White paper lanterns were strung across, giving the impression of the perfect summer night.

“Dina just misses Brad.” Blake said, as he and Katherine looked at the setting from the large picturesque windows in their living room. “Things back in Asia haven’t been that stable until recently.”

“It has been a while since he has come home.” Katherine agreed.

“That and the fact that Brad was closer to her than I was as a teen.” Blake laughed lightly, “Maybe also because he already gave her grandchildren.”

“Mhm.” Katherine said, leaning into him. “That’s every mother’s dream.”

“I just wish that my mom could have met them...” he said, before stiffening and turning to head up the stairs.

Katherine knew that his mother was a hard topic for Blake to talk about. He never got over her leaving them. Brad was older and understood what mishaps led to the divorce, but Blake was going through his rebellious stage and he simply couldn’t imagine how his father could so easily let her go. When William remarried a year later, Blake barely acknowledged his new mother figure. Katherine became the only girl whose opinion truly mattered. His outlook changed when his half-sister, Diana was born. He finally saw what a real mother was supposed to be and understood what led to the divorce. Although he realized what his mother lacked all those years, he couldn’t hate her.

Katherine walked through the hall towards William’s study where Blake was patiently waiting by the door for her.

“Mild warning: I’m pretty sure my dad has the photo albums out. Please don’t look when he insists on how adorable I look in a particular photograph.” Blake said, the playful edge in his voice finally returning.

Katherine laughed, relieved that he had easily gotten over the situation.

Blake knocked lightly on the door before opening it, revealing a man in his late fifties, sitting behind a large desk, sorting through old albums.

“Good afternoon Uncle Will.” Katherine was the first to speak.

He looked up from the pictures, giving them a warm smile. “Hello Katherine, Blake.” Was his reply, “how was the race?”

“Our girl came in first,” Blake said proudly, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“Congratulations,” he smiled, flipping to a part in the album. “Here’s a picture of Blake when he won first place in his science fair project.”

Blake groaned as Katherine went to see the photo with a sly smile on her face.

“He looks absolutely adorable” she gushed, referring to Blake with his mother, holding up his medal, wearing a denim jumpsuit and a red bowtie.  “That’s a classic potato clock too.”

Blake groaned, then went over to where Katherine was. “Alright, no more embarrassing baby Blake pictures. I need a shower.”

“Okay, okay.” Katherine said, holding her palms up. “I’ll even help you pick your outfit!” she laughed at the face he made, “Bye Uncle Will!”

William chuckled lightly as the door shut behind them. Katherine was good for his son. She was the first woman whose opinion and advice mattered to him. After the divorce, he wouldn’t talk to any woman but Katherine. She made him see that there was still a point in living without fear and hatred towards women.

William was also looking forward to the day that  his son asks Katherine to marry him. Having her as his daughter-in-law would make him very happy. Finally his youngest son would find his joy. He would have to talk with him later to make sure of his intentions.

“Blake, no!” Katherine squealed as Blake grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up. He swung her around then held her close to him, basking in her presence. He was laughing and the sound made Katherine feel carefree.

“I love you so much.” He said, staring into her eyes as if she were the only thing that mattered.

“And I don’t doubt it for a second.” She replied solemnly. “But if you really wanted that shower, take it now. Otherwise you’d be going to that party with a rather unpleasant odour.”

Blake pretended to glare at her. “I just told you ‘I love you’ and that’s how you respond?”

She chuckled, kissing him chastely on the lips. “I love you too, so much.”

He smiled, “That’s better. Now make yourself useful and pick out my clothes for tonight like you said.” He motioned toward his closet.

Katherine opened the closet and was met by the furry face of a giant fluffy teddy bear holding a long rectangular box in its bear paws.

“What’s this?” she gasped, completely taken aback.

“Happy anniversary, sweetheart.” He said, reaching in to retrieve the bear and the package on it, revealing a bunch of other boxes. “and I seriously had you fooled. Dina already picked out our clothes.” He grinned, handing her the small box.

Katherine opened it and picked up the card lying right inside.

Paris with me? –B

Tears started to brim in her eyes with Blake’s sincere affection.

“Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes!” she repeatedly chanted, jumping into his arms. After their hug, Katherine muttered, “I guess over-doing things is a Salvatore trait.”

“You bet it is.” Blake responded.

After they both took turns in the shower, Blake found himself smiling when he saw that his step-mom made them match. Him in dark wash jeans and a blue button down with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and her in a blue dress and black strappy sandals.

He didn’t know what he’d do without her, so he planned on asking her to marry him while in Paris. Tonight, he would ask her father, more out of formality than permission, for her hand in marriage. That would give him the security he needed that she would be his.

AN: Next stop: The PARTY! How will he ask Stephen for her hand? Was he right for assuming that Stephen would simply agree to his proposal? Will Blake get his security? So many questions I am sure will be answered by the next chapter J YAY! Holy week is right around the corner so chances for the next update might be slim. Until the next chapter tho!

Lotsolove and bacon and fries and waffles, Ally J

PS if you have any concerns and questions, please feel free to write something on my message board or comment below I would love to hear from you J

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