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A.N// I'm going to be switching POVs here and there. I'm also going to be accepting requests for plots and such!!!


"Rem!" You shout from the kitchen.
You heard a loud, annoyed groan come from his room down the hall.

You two shared an apartment since you couldn't afford to live by yourself. Of course, you never thought of him as anything more than just a friend, even when you two had drunk tickle fights at 2 in the morning and cuddled on the couch watching movies.

His feet stomped slightly as he walked into the kitchen. He was lacking pants and wore a black, skin tight tank top that had too many holes in it for it to look somewhat presentable.

"I...need you to put some pants on. You have to clean out the attic and organize the holiday decorations." You said.

"Sure, sweetheart."

Your heart fluttered. You loved it when he called you that.

"By the way," he continued, "You're blushing."

He giggled and walked away, feeling full of himself.

"Fucking cute bastard..." You mutter.

"What was that?!" He yelled.


You pour yourself some coffee and grab a mug for Remmy and feel a pair of long, slender arms wrapped around your waist.

Your hands brush up against his legs. He was fully clothed, thank god.

"Two things." He said.


"Three sugars, a splash of cream and," He picked you up and started carrying you. "I'd rather we worry about the attic now and the coffee later."

"Remington Leith Kropp, get your cold ass hands off of me!" You laughed. It's true, they were unnaturally cold. He started jumping around and held you tighter.

"I won't until you help!"

"Alright! I'll help!"

He dropped you and you hit the floor.

"Good! Now, get your ass up the ladder and get moving."

You let out a soft sigh and walk towards the attic. You haul yourself up the ladder. You can feel Remmy looking at you.

Your knees felt scratchy, worn out wood on the floor. You stand up, looking for a light when you felt something walk beside you.

"Rem, are you up the ladder yet?"

No answer.

You pull the light.

"BOO!" Remmy yelled as he popped out in front of you.

"FUCK YOU, REMMY." You yell back and push him.

He giggled and turned the light off.

"Rem, quit playing around, I wanna get this done." Admittedly, you were annoying with his antics by now.

"Well, I'm not playing around either." He wrapped his arms around your waist again, this time more gently.
"I saw you checking me out earlier."

"I wasn't I was just...observing."

He moved closer.

"Closely observing."

You moved nervously.

You felt his lips brush against yours. Instinctively, you pull his head in, the kiss becoming harder.

Remington Leith One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now