8. donuts

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I walked over to them

'Hello Alec, amanda' i said

Amanda her mom's name

'You will address us as your parents' Amanda said

'Bitch you wish, you will NEVER be my mom' i spat and my dad looked at me sad and he held my hand

'Damn your freezing it's like 50 degrees outside' he said and i just clenched my jaw as amanda looked at me smirking and my fist balled and my dad glared at her and I smirked and grabbed her

'No one ever liked you' i spat and sat her down and punched her then slapped her and my dad just watched

Since me and jace had finished eating we walked outside

'Hey can you drop me at troy's we're playing games' he said and i nodded and we got in the car and pulled up at an average sized house and jace walked off and i drifted and turned around and a guy next to jace just watched me in shock

'Yo you good' i asked and he laugehd

'I'm troy' he said

'Im Eva, jaces sister' i said and he was jaw dropped and jace took him inside and they both waved and i drove back to hell

I pulled up at the house and walked inside and saw everyone sitting watching a movie and i headed upstairs and saw cade in my room

'What are you doing' i asked

'Can't i be in my room' he asked and i sighed and put my car keys on the table and walked across the room and pulled out a chocolate and started eating it

'I'm sorry' he said

'Well sorry wont cut it out didn't even disrespect you and you slap me and then choke me FOR WHAT REASON' i yelled

'I know I was tipsy i didn't know I was doing' he said

'Well it ain't my fault your your a lightweight then don't drink' i said and walked downstairs

'Eva you good' lars asked and i nodded and he nodded back and went to playing his game and axel and jax were sleeping on the couch and i went into the kitchen to find something to eat

I found some donuts and started eating them when jax walked in

'NO MY DONUTSS' he yelled and looked at me like his wife just left him on marriage day

'I'll help you make more' i said and his face lit up

'Really' he said

'Yeah why not I'll make some for everyone' i said and he nodded and sat on the counter and he was getting the icing and i made them and we made like 50 and he started icing them and ate one

'OH MY GOD' he yelled and everyone came in and i handed then donuts

'Take one' i said and when it came to jax came to me and took one more and i handed him the tray

'THESE ARE SO GOOD' lars yelled

'Where did you get the recipe from' joaqin asked

When did he get here

'My mom told me before you know she died' i said and they nodded and we just kept on eating but that stopped when jax smashed one in my face

'Hey i make you donuts and know you smash it in my face boy you better run' i yelled and he screamed and ran and i put the donut on the counter and ran after him and he ran upstairs and i was hot on his heels

'JAX YOUR GONNA DIE' i yelled and he started slowing down and i jumped on him and he fell and i put him in a head lock and then everyone came

'OK OK I'M SORRY OH GOD I'M SO SORRY DONT THROW ME OUT THE WINDOW' he yelled and i laughed and pulled him out if it and all of of a sudden we heard a window breaking

Oh god....

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