18. sweet sweet revenge

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'I know it she's alive' he said and i felt like crying

'I'm sorry' i headed jaces voice

'So wheres her body' i heard axels voice

'It's in the hospital' i heard my dad's voice and I heard footsteps

I closed my laptop and hid in the closet and behind the mirror

'I miss you' it was cade and a small sob left my lips as he left the room and I got out the closet and just cried when I felt arms wrap me

'No stop crying' i heard jaces voice

I stopped and my dad walked in

'I got my hackers downstairs you work up here and if you need anything just shout' he said

'Thanks dad' i said and he kissed my forehead and walked out

25 minutes later

A small smirk placed on my lips when someone shouted

'I FOUND HER' someone yelled

I ran downstairs and saw someone holding there laptop

'Where' i said

'In a house about 4 blocks away' he said

'Get men ready i swear this to god I will put this bitch in acid' i spat and my dad threw me guns and knives

'Let's go' i said and we all walked out and i got in my old car and reveved the engine and it roared to life and I followed the guy who found her and we pulled up at an average sized house

'Ok let's go from the si-' my dad started

'Fuck it just kick open the door' he said and i nodded and kicked it open and saw her sitting there

'You fucking bitch' i spat

'You're alive' she yelled

'I never died' i said and grabbed a fist full of her hair and punched her as she screamed in pain

'This isn't even close to what I'm about to even do' i said and literally dragged her to my car

Right now I'm angry

I shoved her in my car tying her feet and arms and shut her mouth and drove back home

I grabbed a fist full of her hair again and dragged her down to the dungeon and 2 people followed me

'Tie her up' i said and ran back upstairs

'I'm gonna finish that bitch' i said to jace and dad and they nodded and i ran back downstairs and saw a tub and it wasn't filled with water

It was acid

'You said you were gonna use acid here you go' someone said saluting me

'Thank you' i said as she screamed and shook her head no

'You should have thought about that before you got me in a crash' i said

'I'm gonna cut all your fingers, all your toes and then slice off your tongue and throw you in that acid as you burn away' i said getting a knife and trailing it down her skin

I then grabbed her finger and chopped one off and she cried

I slowly one by one chopped off all 5 fingers and then went to the other side and done the same

Her cries of pain were like music to my ears

God I'm a sociopath

After i done her fingers i didn't want to chop off her toes so i got a machete and sliced off her whole foot

'You'll live for about 5 more minutes now" i said and grabbed her and threw her in the acid making sure not to get none on myself

She screamed and cried as the acid bit in her skin and slowly ate it until all I heard was me breathing

I checked the time to see it was past 5

Woah that took long

I made sure she was actually not there before heading upstairs

Ah sweet sweet revenge

I sighed

'Eva' someone said

Wait that sounded like


Oh no


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