Her Return.

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*flashback is over by the way*

"Flight 347 is now landing" my hands began to shake. That's Lucy's plane. In just a few minutes I'll be face to face with one of my best friends. Excitement is driving me crazy.

Zachary came up and laid a hand on my shoulder shaking it "it's great I finally get to see my little sister. I've missed her so much!" he's not the only one, I thought. "Everybody knows I'm her favorite. She'll probably hug me first." Zach, such a big ego.

"Whatever man,you know she's going to see Jody first." I said knowingly. Zach gave me a look then turned his head and smiled. I looked up and there she was. Lucy. Beautiful as ever.

She let her hair grow out even longer and it has more highlights. Of course, shes gotten taller by a couple of inches, but not too tall. She even grew into a women with different features about herself: higher cheek bones, curvier, longer legs. She had on blue jean shorts with a faded yellow t-shirt and brown stripy sandals. Breathtaking, I thought.

The first thing she did was run up and hug me. Me.

"Cowboy! I've missed you" she exclaimed dropping her stuff all over the floor and wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back laughing. I replied "I've missed you too Luce. You glad to be back?" I saw something flash right through her eyes.

"Uh duh! I'm glad I get to sleep in my own bed for once!" she giggled. I smiled and said "why don't you go speak to the rest of your family and we'll catch up later" she nodded and I winked back at her. I saw a bit of red creep upon her cheeks and I chuckled to myself.

"What the heck was that?" I swung around to see Zach looking at me like I had three heads.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Don't play stupid, man. Over everybody in this family she ran, not walked, ran to you. You're not even a brother." Is he mad about this? Really?

"Dude, y'all have seen her off and on since she's left. I haven't." He smiled at me. What the crap?

"I was just messin man. Don't get defensive about her." I hit him up side the head and laughed back at him trying stupid ninja moves out. "stop man you look like an idiot" I told Zach.

"Boys" Mr. Kay got our attention. "Help Lucy gather her stuff and put it in the car so we can get going. I know she's tired." I bent down to grab some bags and went I stood up straight I saw Lucy had a computer bag on one arm, threw carry on bags on the other and a rolling suit case in her hand. I raised my eye brows up at her. However, she showed me. She walked off without a struggle; even making it look easy.

"You got some muscles while you were gone?" I asked Lucy. She brought her arms up to show me, surprisingly she did have a little one. "Nice arms, L. Now let's get going." I put my arm over her shoulder and have her hair a nuggie.

When we were in the car Lucy started up some conversation.

"Hey Brandon? How's Samantha?" Lucy asked her oldest brother about his wife.

"Pregnant" her eyes got wide

"What? really? oh my goodness!! when did y'all find out?" she exclaimed

"About 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to surprise you in person."

"That's great!" Lucy rested her head against her brothers shoulders and quickly fell asleep.

"Mommy, Lucy fell asleep" Jody told Mrs. Kay.

"I see sweetie. Let's be quiet so we don't wake her up, she's tired."


Alright guys. There has been a change. Brandon, Lucy's oldest sister is 24. I changed this for a reason you'll figure out later on into the book. I would also like to give a big shout out to my best friend @_sarahkate for giving me constructive criticism and encouraging me to keep on writing. And a thank you to all the people who are actually reading this. I hope it's good and all of y'all can help me improve the book along with my writing skills!

Much love,


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