Admitting the Truth

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I made my way into her room and desperately wanted to wrap my arms around her and wipe away her tears telling her everything will be alright. However, I knew Lucy would push me away and make everything harder.

"So, L, tell me about your trip. What was your favorite part?"

"I loved all the architecture and the history. You know we don't have that many years of culture and history in the United States as England does." I could tell she wanted to tell me more about history, but knowing my hatred towards it, she stopped herself.

"What about your classes? and your friends you made?"

Lucy gave a look that I knew all too well. She knows I don't really care about any of that.

"Come on, Cowboy, I already know you could care less about any of that. Now what do you really want to know?" I sat down on her bed and she followed

"Is it really true that girls don't shave in Europe?"

Her facial expression was priceless and I died laughing.

"ITS THE NASTIEST THING YOU WILL EVER SEE!" She made a gagging noise while I continued to laugh. She continued, "When I met my room mate she could braid her under arm hair, but I showed her a razor and some shaving cream and said 'this is something women in America use to make them look less like a man' I gave them to her and walked away."

"You did not say that, Lucy. Actually, I can believe you did."

"This is literally what she looked like," she took her long blonde hair and put inside her underarm and put hair down. My laughter exploded as pieces of her hair stuck out of her arm. "It was so disturbing." she shivered

I heard Mrs. Kay walking up to her daughters room. She stuck head in and started "Luce, do you need help unpac- Oh hey Wesley I didn't know you were up here."

"I'm done, Mom. I'm about to shower though."

"Yeah, I'm just about leave, Kay." I kissed her cheek "thanks for dinner." I could feel Lucy's arm brush mine

"Bye Cowboy. Come back tomorrow! Maybe we can swim some."

I gave her a hug and said "Sure thing L. See you tomorrow!"

As I rushed down the steps I could hear Mrs. Kay say "Lucy why was the door shut? just because you were gone doesn't mean the rules change-"

Oh Mrs. Kay, little do you know, your daughter doesn't like me the way I love her..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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