The Beginning of the End || Males

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One more, apologies for the formatting of these entries, I post them as is and they look fine before I save them, however i suppose it's the way my email works. The matter will be fixed hopefully by the next task. Apologies for the inconvenience in reading.


District One Male

It's beginning. Claudius braced himself as the tunnel carried him upwards. The countdown was much quicker than expected. Or maybe it was just that his heart was beating ten times more then usual.   It was an abandoned shopping centre. In the middle of the ring of tributes was a massive fountain with the Cornucopia. It was much shinier in real life. Much like the rest of the Capitol,it gleamed and sparkled in the non existent light.   The countdown reached 1 and Claudius was ready. Adrenaline shooting through his legs,he sprinted full blast across to where the goodies lay. With a start he realised that there was only knives. Great. Now he could torture to his heart's content and no one would think anything of it. Already a bloodbath had started. His fellow Careers had ripped anyone else apart. There was blood everywhere. It was nothing like what you'd see clearly on the screens. Somehow being in the centre of it all was exhilarating for him.   Immediately,he grabbed as many knives as he could possibly carry with dropping one and followed whoever looked weak. His first target was a small female tribute who always looked like she was about to cry. That type of person really annoyed him.   He plunged the knife into the girls abdomen,wrenching it upwards for the maximum of damage.  3,2,1-Boom. Like his trainer back home had said: piercing wounds that are more than 2cm in the abdomen area will cause fatal injuries to your enemy.  "Always aim for the weak spots." She had told him ,a glint in her green eyes.  "And never give mercy."   He had wanted to stay and continue ripping her apart but there was more pressing matters to attend to. Mainly the tribute from one of the border Districts behind him. With all of his speed he dug the dead girl tribute's knife into the attacking tribute's leg. Claudius grinned as the boy yowled in pain. Maybe it was another Career,but someone had whacked the screaming tribute over the head with the back of their knife.  Hmpf,no fun,he thought. The other boy collapsed from the blunt trauma to his head.    "Dammit." Claudius snarled. Boom. He slashed the fallen tribute's throat and limbs and proceeded to follow whoever had taken his prey from him. It turned out that it wasn't a Career who had taken the initiative,but a male tribute from the middle Districts. 'Figures', Claudius thought, 'of course the middle Districts want to steal the show'.  Time to be inventive. They want a show? He'd give them a show.    It was far too easy for him to catch the do-gooder tribute. Maybe it was because his head was spinning so fast and his instincts had turned cold. It was stage two of his "fits". Stage one consisted of throwing things. Stage two usually had him destroying every object in his path. Stage three was when he went crazy enough to mutilate animals any little children who got in his way. Claudius with the help of his father, usually hid any signs of these fits back home in District One. You see they love killers in the Career Districts, it's frowned upon if they show any signs of being crazy. On his calmer days he would laugh about it, the Capitol would really have their work cut out for them looking for a completely sane murderer.    The floor was mostly empty except for a few Careers tributes rooting through the contents of the Cornucopia and the dead bodies spewed everywhere.  The District 6 Male tribute was screaming now. Claudius had stuck several knifes into his arms and legs to keep him pinned against the wall. As he methodically ripped up the squirming tribute's jacket,Claudius found himself humming a song that he'd heard many years ago.  "Ma ma maa ma" he tried to remember the words but his memory was failing. He looked over at the other Careers. "Hey,do you know that song?- you know,Ma maa ma maa-?"  The trapped tribute kept screaming in pain. The some of the others shouted their dissent. No one seemed to know the name of the song. Claudius shook his head frustrated and started to tie the new strips of fabric together into a noose.   "Aaaaaah why are you doing this?"the tribute begged. "I helped you...I-" "Ma maa ma ma ma mah~"  More yowling in pain.  "Do you like that song? I hope you do." Claudius removed the knives and clamped his foot on the tribute's heavily bleeding leg. Dragging the hiding tribute down to the entrance of the shop. With relish he tied the makeshift rope from rafters above the entrance. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to end this now." He nodded over to the female tribute that his District partner had decided to keep as a pet. She scampered over to help him immediately.  "Get down." He ordered.  "Wha-?" "Crouch down ."  She reluctantly crouched down. Unsure, she looked over at the others. "Get up." Claudius commanded the male tribute. Without waiting for him to comply, he yanked the bleeding tribute up so he was standing on the girl's back. "Ma ma ma maa~" he hummed again. He still couldn't come up with it's name. The pet tribute was shaking under the weight.  "Finish it." The bleeding tribute whispered. "Pardon?" "Just finish it you sadistic son of a-" and then he gasped with the effort.  Claudius paused. He hooked the strong loop of fabric around his victim's neck. "Okay then." With a sudden flash of his leg,he kicked the girl out from underneath the tribute's feet. It took a while for the body to stop swinging. Boom.   He left the pet tribute for his District partner. She did it quick and probably painlessly. Boom. Claudius didn't think that she was much fun. Looking over over at the hanging corpse of the rather big tribute from District 6,he smiled softly. Nobody would underestimate the Careers this year.   With a flash he remembered the name of the song. It was the Willow Song that they played at Traitor's executions. Ah,that's it. He thought triumphantly. The willow song.   All of a sudden it all became boring for him.   He walked past the other Careers and grabbed his own supplies. With a charming grin up at the cameras he plopped himself down to rest. No one would mess with him now.   After a few minutes of resting he opened his eyes and spoke out. "Let's go on a little tribute hunt." 

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