The Awards Show

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The Victor has been revealed, but they have not yet been brought out for the public to see in their cleaned-up state. The hype is tangible; in the Capitol fireworks have been exploding and parties have been going on for at least ten hours continuously. The Districts who have lost their tributes shut their doors, drunkards roaming the streets. Televisions come on all across Panem, and Florence Fanta’s young, bright, and orange hair comes onto the screen.

“Welcome!” She shouts, to which she is met with screams from the Capitol citizens. “Tonight is the moment we have all been waiting for! The Victor! But first, what you all have been so anxiously awaiting- the awards! Now, these awards are given out to our fallen tributes, the valiant and honourable who won’t be making it home alive.

First up! The Best District! Now, this award is awarded to two tributes who the Capitol had barely glanced at going into the Games, but these two tributes managed to make it all the way to Semis, and one even to Finals, so we’d like to congratulate District Four’s Coral Isla (TheUnexpectedVictor) and Rush Pacifico (puddean)!

Next up- the best all-around tribute just based on scores! This is in replace of best entry and best quote, since of course there are far too many wonderfully written entries that I couldn’t choose without feeling bad. Nonetheless, this award goes to the tribute who was most consistent with their scores. This award, however, is tied between two! What a surprise! These two tributes both demonstrated their ability to keep their scores quite even during the entire games! This goes to Nettle Bisette (Everlasting Dark) and Evelyn Grey (TheDarkHorse)!

Now, for our final award that isn’t based on you- the Capitols- votes! This award is the If-you-didn’t-hand-in-so-damn-late-maybe-you-would’ve-won award! This award, as you all have surely seen, goes to the two tributes with the same overseer! That overseer is TheTinyAngel! If I can congratulate you, I would, but your tributes are dead, so let’s move on!

Now, the Capitol votes have been pouring in since the Game’s began! We have the Capitol Underdog, the Relatable Favourite, the Kill My Feels award, and of course, what everyone- even in the Districts!- and the viewers elsewhere have voted for! The Capitol Favourite! But first, the Underdog!

This tribute was not expected by any of us to make it far- heck, some of us even wanted this one to die- but they persevered! Even I did not expect them to be in their final spot, and I am sure I can say for all of us we were pleasantly surprised (or forcedly happy for some of us viewers) that this tribute made it to the Finals! I think everyone can agree this year’s Capitol Underdog was Coral Isla of District Four (TheUnexpectedVictor)!

Next up, the Relatable Favourite! This tribute is one who consistently showed me what reality was all about! There were many competitors for this award, and it was so tempting not to give it out at all seeing as how close some votes in the Capitol were! It was such a tough and headache-inducing decision to decide who, after the voting, would actually receie the award, as some tributes may have received plenty of other awards; however, in the end we have concluded to give this award to Charlie Kirkland (paintbrushes), the young boy too naïve for these Games and continued his cuteness all the way until his death!

We draw near to a close, and we have one award before we get to our final one, and then, our Victor! Now, the Kill My Feels award goes to the tribute whose entry made me very sad and very angry because why would you do that to me? Florence Fanta should not have a hole in her heart. This is also known as the Best Entry award, and actually goes to one of our finalists. There were so many competitors to decide between, however, for their Finals Entry Til Death Do Us Part, Evelyn Grey (TheDarkHorse) is the recipient of this award! I hope you realize both how confused and upset I was reading it.

And now, the final award. The award to be presented. The award to be awarded to the award-ee. The final award for a final tribute. The Capitol Favourite! Viewers cast their vote from far and wide, and we had some very close ties! A three-way tie between Charlie Kirkland, Sansa Nélisse, and Staiger Moriarty, these three tributes were the second favourite of the Capitol! And now the winner, or should I say winners? Yes, the votes were cast and these two tributes both received tied votes! Congratulations to the Capitol Favourites, Lukas Hallows (Katniss-everdeen) and Nettle Bisette (EverlastingDark)!

That’s all for now, folks! Tune in here in half an hour for the announcement and presentation of the long-awaited Victor! I am Florence Fanta, and this has been the Awards Show!” The cameras shut off.

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