My name is Death

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As I stood in front of the the Judge of souls, and not God, I knew it was because of something I've said and not done.

I knew I wasn't good at making the right choices, and when it came to making a decision I always tend to do the wrong thing. But being by Him was a joy that it didn't bring.

So I chose to fall on my knees and beg for the forgiveness I didn't deserve. Kindness saved me from a millennia of pain, but baby I burned myself in shame.

God please forgive me for I have sinned. Touching my forehead in reverence; I will meet Death where darkness dwells and receive Him as a long lost friend.

I will open my arms and wash Him in false condolences, so when He gives me His back, I can stab it until all the light is drained; so I can lay besides Him and mourn, not because of love, but for pain.

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