As I stood in front of the the Judge of souls, and not God, I knew it was because of something I've said and not done.
I knew I wasn't good at making the right choices, and when it came to making a decision I always tend to do the wrong thing. But being by Him was a joy that it didn't bring.
So I chose to fall on my knees and beg for the forgiveness I didn't deserve. Kindness saved me from a millennia of pain, but baby I burned myself in shame.
God please forgive me for I have sinned. Touching my forehead in reverence; I will meet Death where darkness dwells and receive Him as a long lost friend.
I will open my arms and wash Him in false condolences, so when He gives me His back, I can stab it until all the light is drained; so I can lay besides Him and mourn, not because of love, but for pain.
Three souls of mine
PoesíaSo I'm basically writing this sort of poems based on my emotions and daily life. To help some of the readers understand what they are feeling. If any of you need advices or anything don't mind to ask.