16. Rest and Revelations

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Torture and Tea

Chapter 16:

At six o'clock in the morning, before the autumn sun rose, someone walked up the driveway of the Phantomhive residence, having being dropped off there by a taxi. The person used their own key to gain access and walked straight to their own study.

Several hours later the Earl of Phantomhive's son woke up to find himself in the arms of a hopefully reformed pervert. He smiled in contentment and lost himself to sleep once more, ignoring the singing of the birds nesting in the tree outside his window.

His sleep was interrupted once more by the sound of his phone ringing. Ciel groaned and reached out for his phone with a dead arm and strained his sleep heavy eyes to glance at the name on the screen. It was Tanaka.

"Mornin' Tanaka," he yawned sleepily.

"Young master, I suggest that you tell Sebastian to leave your room now! It's urgent."

Tanaka disconnected the call and Ciel stared at his phone in puzzlement, wondering if he had imagined the conversation.

Beneath him, Sebastian stirred. "Good morning Ciel," he smiled lethargically.

A knock at the door made them jump and Ciel instinctively knew it wasn't Tanaka.

He pushed a sleepy Sebastian off his bed. "Hide," he hissed urgently before walking over to unlock his door to reveal his mother standing outside.

"Good morning, Mum," he said and willingly gave her a hug to give Sebastian more time to hide. Although he knew that his mother was a fan of BL, he had a feeling that she wouldn't want her own son to be homosexual.

"Hello Ciel, I arrived back from Paris yesterday, but I was told that you had locked yourself in your room to sulk. And then I heard that you had found out about your kidnapping," she patted his head comfortingly. "I'm sorry that you had to find out about that paedophile."

"I'm all right now," he answered quietly.

"That's good. By the way, have you seen Sebastian this morning? I wouldn't mind another cup of the Empress Grey tea that he made me last night,"

Ciel stiffened. "No, I haven't seen him. Maybe he's taking a really long time in the toilet," he suggested innocently.

"That might be it. Vincent also arrived early this morning."

"Dad did?"

Rachel nodded. "You had better get dressed now, he wants to have a talk with you and Sebastian in the study as soon as possible."

Half an hour later Ciel was sitting in front of his father's desk with brushed hair and clean clothes. Sebastian was standing next to him in his spare butler outfit as sleeping in his other one had made it quite creased and there had been no time for ironing.

Vincent Phantomhive arranged a stack of papers that was one his desk into smaller piles. Ciel recognised one of the smaller piles as being a manuscript covered in Sebastian's handwriting and another looked uncannily like Alois' doujinshi.

"Ciel, you have done very well," the Earl congratulated as he regarded the pair in front of him.

"Excuse me, I don't understand what you are talking about, Dad," Ciel said politely. If he had been talking to Alois he would be a lot more informal. He had taken elocution classes when he was a child so he always spoke formally when in the presence of his parents or anyone with a title.

Vincent steepled his fingers. "Before reaching the age of 21, all of the first born sons of the Phantomhive family are tested to check that they are worthy of receiving the title of 'Earl of Phantomhive'."

Torture and Tea (Kuroshitsuji fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now