Chapter 5: A kiss? 💋

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"Okay so let me get this straight" Justin started. "Your ex boyfriend wants you back with him and won't take no for an answer"?

I lean on the brick wall rubbing my right temple, "Yeah, you're right. Man, you don't know how much I hate him, Justin.

I then look at my feet, "Justin? Can I ask you a question"?

Justin looked startled, but gave a slight nod.

"Whew. Okay, um...why did you ask me to go to lunch with you today"?

Justin looks around then grabs my hand. I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Um...well, the thing is Lizzie is I...I actually really...really-" Justin starts trailing off and he looks into my green eyes like he was reading my mind. "Lizzie? I just really really like you and not as a friend, as something more and what I mean by this is-".

I then cut him off, "Shut up". I then kissed him.


When I leaned back, he was in total shock like his face went white.

"Um, Lizzie?" Justin says.

He pulls me towards him and kisses me. When I tried to step back, he followed until my back was against the wall again. Then Justin pulls my legs up like woah. This is only our first kiss but I guess he wants what he wants.

When we finally parted, we only had 15 minutes to eat then we had to head back to class.

So we went to the cafeteria instead of Tim Hortons since it was packed. We ate quickly but also talked.

Turns out, Justin likes almost everything I do and we exchanged numbers. Awesome!
At 11:22, Ryan texted me;

Ryan😒🎮: so how's the date going?

Lizzie: Pretty good

Ryan😒🎮: So can I talk to Justin??

Lizzie: HOW DID U KNOW?!?!

Ryan😒🎮: one word: Rachel

Lizzie: ughhh fine. Here he is

I told Justin that Ryan wanted to talk to him and handed him my phone. They've been talking for the past 8 minutes than Justin handed me my phone back. I only read the texts after Justin dropped my off at my locker.

"Who you texting?" Rachel asked approaching me.

"No one. It's just Ryan wanted to text Justin when we were hanging out".

"Oh well what did he say to him"?

We both looked down at my phone at the text messages;

Ryan😒🎮: hey man. R u treating my friend well?

Justin: of course dude. Besides she's special

Ryan😒🎮: good. A couple of things

Justin: fire away

Ryan😒🎮: describe Liz in 3 words

Justin: beautiful, smart, kind

Ryan😒🎮: what do u think of her?

Justin: a remarkable young woman

Ryan😒🎮: when will u make it official? Hmmmm?

Justin: pretty soon

Pretty soon? Woah. We don't even know much about each other and he wants to take a big step?!

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