Chapter 3: The mysterious boy

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I slapped my alarm clock off at 5:00am when it played Bang Bang by Jessie J. I really hate getting up in the mornings especially when my alarm clock doesn't wake me up and Eva enters my room and would jump on my bed. I finally decided to get up and take a shower when I hear screaming. Of course my mom always works from 4:00 AM to 11:15 PM so it had to be Eva.

When I enter Eva's room, she's rocking back-and-forth in her Disney bedsheets and PJ's.

"Is it another nightmare Eva?", I ask with a gentle voice.

"Uh huh", she says lightly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


I walk towards her and put on her lamp. She than hugs me tight.

"Okay, what happened"?

Eva than starts to cry and talk at the same time, "Mommy left us and...we had had to take care of me...then you left me. I don't want that to happen".

I sigh lightly and give her a small grin, "You know Mom won't leave us for the world. Come on. How about you watch TV downstairs while I go take a shower".

I than brought Eva downstairs and turned on the TV for her to watch Aladdin while I made her breakfast and I finally got to take a shower after. Today I decided to wear black jeans, black converse and a Jurassic Park shirt from Universal Studios from last year's family trip. I also had to get Eva ready for school which today, wasn't easy. She wanted to wear a dress to school when I told her it would be 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) so I forced her to put on pants, a shirt, and sweater. At 7:30am I brought Eva to her friend Emily's house so I can go to school. Already a rough morning.


When I got to my locker, Rachel was already there waiting for me there which she never does. Weird.

"Oh Lizzie! I found out who number 23 is"!

I thought it was one of my guy friends but that would be weird because they are all in relationships.

"So who is it, Rach? Someone I know?" I asked unlocking my locker.

"Yeah. Everyone knows him. It's Justin Stam", she said excitedly.

Justin Stam was the most popular guy at school. I felt like I was gonna faint.

"Anyway Liz, can I borrow your notes for the math test this afternoon"?

"Yeah. Hold on a sec".

When I turn around to give my notes to Rachel, she was gone.

"Um..Lizzie Court, right?" An odd voice asked. When I turned around, in front of me was Justin.

"Uh, yeah, that's me", I say with a shaky voice.

Justin then takes a step in front of me and closes my locker door, "Um, Lizzie? I've sorta...had some..feelings for you and I was wondering...if...if...if you'd like to go...uh..have lunch with me today"?

Wow. I can't believe THE Justin Stam is asking me out on a date.

"Uh, sure".

"No freaking way", he says.

I couldn't help but smile at his response.

"You have a beautiful smile".

Woah. Did he just complement on my smile?

Just then, the bell rang and Justin leaves and Rachel returns, "Sorry, Liz that I left, I remember I had my notes in my car and went to go get them. So what happened, I saw Justin was talking to you".

"Oh", I started blushing. "He asked me out on a date".

"What?! He asked you on a date?! No way, Liz"!

Yeah. I guess it's amazing when Rachel says it. Justin and I, a couple. Now that's something I can't believe.

Note from writer 📝:
I wanted to make this chapter extra long because I didn't want to have so many short chapters so I put two chapters together. Anyway hope you enjoyed 😊

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