Chapter 3

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(after work)

V - Do you live near city centre?

L - Yeah, why?

V - I live there too!

L - That's great! Should we go home together then?

V - Yeah, I mean we're friends, right?

L - Yeah...we are...

V - should we go?

L - Ah yeah, okay.

(Violetta and León start going)

V - I haven't visited the studio a long time.

L - Me too...

V - Yeah, we'll see us every day from now.

L - Yeah...

V - Only a few minutes left....

L - Yeah, my home is that way.

V - Mine too!

L - But we are like already there.

V - My home is here too.

L - We are here.

V - But that's my house too!

L - What? That isn't possible.

(León and Violetta go upstairs)

V - Well, here's my flat.

L - That's yours? But mine is opposite this flat!

V - So that's your flat? We are neighbours!

L - So I really will see you every day! On Saturday and Sunday too!

V - Yeah...and with you are you living?

L - Nobody, just alone. What about you?

V - I'm living with a friend. Her name is Valentina.

L - Where's she from?

V - She's from here. I met her at work but she isn't working here anymore.

L - Oh, too bad.

V - Do you want to meet her? I think she's at home.

L - Ehm, okay.

(They go into Violetta's flat)

V - Hey Vale! Are you there?

(Valentina comes over)

Val - Yeah, I am! Oh, who's that?

V - That's León, León that's Valentina.

L - Nice to meet you.

Val - Nice to meet you too!

L - And how old are you?

Val - I'm 24, you?

L - 25.  Violetta told me a lot about you.

Val - Oh, really? Did you, Vilu?

V - Ehm, not that much...

L - Well, I have to go. See ya.

(León leaves)

Val - He is such a cutie! Wow! U didn't tell me he's so hot!

V - you like him?

Val - Yeah, he loks georgeos and he is very nice. I should ask him out on a date!

V - ...

Val - Are you okay?

V - Eh, yeah, of couse.

Val - I'll ask him tomorrow! No, better, I'll go to him in half an hour. Do you think he likes me? He stared at me a lot.

V - Eh...maybe...

Val - I think he likes me! I have good chances to get a date with him!

V - Hmm...yeah...

Val - He is your really are over him, aren't you?

V - Hm...yeah, I am, you can meet with him if you want.

Val - Thanks! I really like him...

(Valentina gives Violetta a hug)

Val - Thanks! Your such a good friend!

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