chapter 5

411 22 3

(at the cinema)

Val - Should we go into this film?

L - I don't know...sounds good...

Val - Okay, then let's go.

L - I'm gonna buy the tickets.

Val - Okay, then I popcorn and drinks!

L - Haha, okay.


L - Okay, I got the tickets.

Val - And I popcorn and drinks, I bought you cola, is that okay?

L - Sure, I like that.

(León and Valentina go into the film)

(Tini bys tickets for the same film and goes into it too)

(after the film)

Val - Wow, that film was great!

L - Yeah, it really was.

Val - That was so much fun! Thanks for this evening!

(Violetta watches them)

(Valentina kisses León)

(León accepts the kiss, then he sees Violetta but acts like he hasn't seen her)

L - Well, so let's go home...

Val - Yeah, let's go.

(León takes Valentina's hand and they go home)


That...I...I'll call Francesca...

V - Hey.

F - Hello? Who's there?

V - It's me, Violetta.

F - Oh, hey, how are you?

V - Well...not that fine...

F -  Huh, why? What happened?

V - I...well, I found out León lives with me in one house...

F - Really?! But that's good, isn't it?

V - Yes...but...I still like him, Fran...

F - So there aren't any problems! Oh...does he have a girlfriend?

V - Well, thanks to me yes...

F - What?! Thanks to you?

V - Valentina...she lives with me...and for her it was love at the first sight...and then they went to the cinema and they kissed...

F - And she told you that?

V - Well, actually...I followed them...I just wanted to know what would happen...and now...

F - Do you want me to come over?

V - No, it's okay...but do you wanna meet up tomorrow?

F - Yeah, sure! Where and when?

V - What about here at my flat and then we could go to a cafè I can introduce you to Valentina.

F - Oh, good idea! Well, I'm happy we'll meet up tomorrow! Bye!

V - Bye!


Val - Hey, Vilu! I'm back!

V - Oh, hey! How went your date with Leon?

Val - Date? From where do you know that?

V - weren't here a long time, I waited for you and you didn't come back...

Val - Oh, eh, yeah, we went to the cinema. The film we watched was so romantic! And you don't know what happened then!

V - What?

Val - After the film...we kissed!

V - Ah...yeah...good...

Val - You don't look to happy about that...are you ok?

V - Yeah, of course I'm okay! 

Val - Ah, good! Wanna watch a film?

V - Eh, no, I'm pretty tired and there isn't any good film on TV today.

Val - Oh...then I'll go to bed too, good night.

V - Good night...

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