School Dance

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What would have happened if Star and Marco went to the dance instead of Marco and Jackie? This is my very first fan fic I hope you like it! 

*I don't own this picture*

Marco's POV

After Star and I finished helping with decorating the school dance we started to head home to get ready for the dance. Nobody asked me so Star and I are just going as friends because I wanted to go but unfortunately nobody asked me.

Marco: So Star are you excited for the dance

Star: Yea but I still don't really get what it is

Marco: Well it's basically like a royal ball but a bit more fun

Star:Oooh sounds fun should probably be better than the Blood moon ball Tom took me to.

Marco: Heh heh yea 

Stars POV

I am really excited to go to the Dance with Marco I have been starting to like him a little bit but I shouldn't but him bringing me to the dance can mean something but we are just going as friends nothing more. Me and Marco started to get ready and I was trying to find the perfect outfit after a while I found the perfect outfit.

 Me and Marco started to get ready and I was trying to find the perfect outfit after a while I found the perfect outfit

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For my hair I decided to curl my hair a bit and put it into a half pony tail I think i am about done.

Reader's POV

Marco waited for Star downstairs while Mr and Mrs Diaz were teasing Marco about Star being his date even tho he kept reminding them they were just going as friends.

Mrs Diaz: Oh my Marco you look so handsome I cant believe you and Star are going to the school dance you guys are very cute together.

Marco: thanks mom but me and Star are just going as friends we are not dating or anything

Mr Diaz: Oh Mijo I know you guys are clearly meant to be more

Marco's POV

Star came down looking very pret- no beautiful I can't stop looking at her

Marco: Star you look a- amaz.... *freezes in awe*

Star: Marco are you trying to say I look amazing.

Marco: No you look beautiful

Star: aww thanks Marco you look great to.

Marco: thanks

*awkward silence*

Star: well we should go so we can PARTAYYYY

She is so cute when she is in her bubbly personality ugh what are you saying Diaz she is you best friend and it can never happen with me and Star and plus you like Jackie.

Stars POV

Oh my gosh Marco actually called me beautiful oh don't get to excited star he was probably just saying that to be nice I can't be having these feelings for to long anyways he likes Jackie.

Star: Wow..

Marco: huh seems like they forgot to cancel basketball practice.

Star: hmmm I think this place could use a bit of magic

Marco: STAARRR what are you doing?

I grab my wand and scream "Radiant Party transform!!" while ignoring Marco cuz i knew he would stop me from making this dance better.

Star: ahh thats better!

Star: come on Marco lets dance!

Marcos POV

She did make the dance look a bit better but as we walked in I noticed a few guys staring at Star which bothered me I don't know why. Star took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor we danced for what seems like hours and then we got tired.

Readers POV

As the two teens finished dancing they headed to the Snack table there was punch, cookies, chips, and pizza.

Star: oooh all of this food looks so good 

Star grabbed a bunch of the food and Marco laughed a bit

Star: What's so funny?

Marco: Nothing it's just you look like a food beast sometimes

*both laugh*

Star and Marco chatted a bit 

Then someone appeared

Marco's POV

Jackie: Hey Diaz looking good tonight

Marco: Thanks you to

I kinda feel different when im around her now I don't get nervous maybe I moved on. Suddenly a slow song appears 

Jackie: Hey i was actually wondering if you can be my date for the rest of the dance

I see star giving me a thumbs up and a smile but it just doesn't feel right.

Marco: Sorry I actually came with Star.

Jackie: oh thats ok dude

I kind of felt bad for rejecting her but I kind of wanted to dance with Star to maybe I do like Star.

Star: Marco you know you didn't have to reject Jackie for me

Marco: I know but my feelings are starting to fade for Jackie..

Star: oh well what do you want to do?

Marco: Well  I was wondering if you wanted to dance 

I held out my hand hoping she would say yes

Stars POV

Oh my mewni I can't believe Marco is asking me to dance

Star: Yes i would love to 

As Marco took me to the dance floor I kept thinking about why he rejected Jackie he really seemed to like her is he starting to develop feelings for someone else?

Readers POV

The two teens were dancing  and looking at each others eyes lovingly having the greatest times of their lives

Star: So what made you loose your feelings for Jackie?

Marco: Well I started to develop feelings for someone else.

Star: oooh and who is this girl.

Marco: Im dancing with her right now.

Star's POV

Oh my goodness I can't believe Marco likes me I thought it will never happen.

Star: I-I like you to

Readers POV

Star and Marco both started blushing then they started their faces started getting closer and before they knew it they kissed for a while until a teacher told them there are displaying to much public display affection and told the two teens that were in love that they had to leave

Star: I love you Marco..

Marco: I love you to Estrella Mariposa

Hey you guys its the author this is my very first time writing a fan fic so sorry if its bad and story ideas and feedback are apperciated I hope I can make more soon but school is starting soon for me and  I don't know if I will have time to write as many stories so.. byeeeeee Peace!

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