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"NEVER" he yelled. We are standing in the main hallways infront of the back door. He's on my back and sam is on Colby's while Elton is filming us
"WHAT IS THIS VIDEO" Colby yelled
I put Corey down and he pouted.
Colby did the same to sam
"COLBY" I screamed and jumped into his arms. I had my legs around his waist and his hands were holding my butt to support me.
"I'm still surprised you can hold me" I said looking down at him
"Hey I'm strong" he said in defense
"Okay noodle arms" Elton said sarcastically.
We went into the film room and Colby sat down. I was still in his lap. Sam sat next to us and Elton sat on the other side. Corey got up and sat on the back of the couch behind Colby.
"My 4 favorite boys" I smiled looking at everyone.
  Corey got up turned around and farted in my face
"EW" I screamed and fell backwards. I was now laying on the floor. Everyone was laughing
"Oh ha ha" I said sarcastically
Zeus and circa ran over to me.
I sat up
"Go play" I said throwing their toy. They both ran away.
Elton went to the garage, sam went to his room and so did Corey. I sat back on Colby's lap.
"I love you" I said
"And I love you" he said. He kissed me. God this never gets old.
I pulled away and pecked his lips again. He just smiled at me.
"That smile never gets old" I said
He smiled even wider.
"Can we go up to your room and cuddle" I asked
"Of course" he said. He picked me up and carried me to his room. He shut his door and we Layed on the bed.
He rubbed my back as I drew shapes on his chest.
He flipped so he was hovering above me
"I. Love. You" he said each word in between kisses
"I love you more" I said. He sat up and straddled my stomach
He just sat there and looked at me
"What?" I asked
"I'm just admiring my beautiful girlfriend" he said. I propped myself up on my elbows.
"How did I get so lucky" I asked
"Baby girl I should be asking you that" he said.
"Your losing your voice and you sound so sexy" I said. I gently grabbed his face and fell back with him hovering above me again. One hand cupped my face and the other hand held my waist.
  "Wait I might be sick" he said
"I don't care all I care about right now is your lips on mine" I said
He just smiled and attached our lips again.
"I have an idea" he said sitting up.
"Does it involve your mouth,my mouth and this bed?" I asked
"I wish. But no. A prank" he smirked
"I'm listening " I said
"So Corey and sam dont know we are back together. They just think we have a thing again. So what if we prank them by saying I got a girlfriend and my friend Clarissa comes out and we watch as Corey and sam get defensive over you" Colby said
"You know I don't like Clarissa" I mumbled
"Would you rather it be shea?" He asked sarcastically. I glared at him.
"Fine. Let's go. Call your "girlfriend" I'll be downstairs" I said getting up. I walked downstairs and sat in the film room. Colby came Down 3 minutes  later and set up the hidden camera.
"SAM,COREY" Colby yelled.
"Showtime baby" Colby said looking at me. Sam and Corey came into the film room.
"Hey I have to have like a serious talk with you three" Colby said
Sam and Corey sat next to me.
"What's going on" Sam asked
"So you know how I've been talking to Clarissa for the last couple weeks like non stop" Colby said
"No but continue" Corey said
"So um I kinda asked her to be my girlfriend" he said.
"WHAT" Corey yelled standing up
"She's my girlfriend now" Colby said
"Corey sit down" I said quietly.
"And how do you feel about this lindsey?" Corey asked looking at me
"I hate it but if he's happy then I'm happy" I said.
Clarissa walked in
"So it's true. You guys are dating" Sam said
"Ya. We just didn't know how to tell social media" Clarissa said.
"Well I'm going to be completely honest. My ex before Devyn. Ew bleh" Corey said. We chuckled at the ew eh part.
"But I posted a picture with her and that night I lost like 4K on Instagram. And that was only when I had like 60k" Corey said
"No offense Clarissa but Colby everyone loved you and lindsey together. Neither of you got that much hate. An what happened to your feelings for her you were just ranting to me about last night? Where did those feelings go?" Sam said
"It was just a cover so you didn't get suspicious" Colby said.
"Have you talked to lindsey about this and how she feels?" Corey asked
"Well I mean it's not like she can do much. It's my decision not hers. She did tell me the other day that I should move on and be happy" Colby said. 
"Lindsey your joking right" Sam said
"Sam I want him to be happy. This kills me but if he's happy then that's what I want. You know that. I don't want to hold him back from anything. Clarissa is an amazing girl so if Colbys happy with someone that's not me then I'm fine with that" I said
"Wait you make videos right" Sam said pointing at Clarissa
"Ya" she said
"And Colby's in the prank wars. I don't believe this" sam said.
"Bro its. It's not a prank. You looked for the cameras already. I'm just trying to have a serious conversation" Colby said
"Okay. We'll have a serious conversation after you two kiss" Sam smirked. My heart dropped.
"You want to see us kiss?" Colby asked
"Ya is there a problem?" Corey asked
"No but we are trying to have a serious conversation with you and you wanna watch us kiss" Colby said
"We can have a serious conversation after. I don't believe it but if you two kiss I will and I'll give you all the advice I can" sam said
"Fine you want us to kiss ten we'll kiss" Colby said. They turned towards eachother. Colby cupped clarissas face with one hand and leaned in. I felt my heart stop. They were a centimeter away when Colby turned and yelled
"PSYCH" he yelled.
"You think I would ever love someone other than lindsey your crazy" Colby said
"That was fun but I have to go" Clarissa said. Then she ran out the doors. Okay then?
"Colby" me and sam said at the same time. We looked at eachother
"You first" we said at the same time
"No you"
"Stop repeating me"
"I'm not!"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm not"
"Nut sack flakey Tucan!"
We both laughed after that.
"Okay seriously" we said at the same time. AGAIN
"UGH" we yelled
"STOP" we yelled
We both stayed silent and glared at eachother
"I'll talk and you talk after me" we said. At. The. Same. Time.
"Fine I'll do something you can't copy" I smirked. I kissed Colby
"Fine you win" sam said
"That was so fucking creepy" Colby said with wide eyes.
"And the camera got everything" Corey chuckled picking it up
Elton came running down the stairs with something in his hands
He used my full birth name. He only does this when he's really angry
"What?" I asked
"Don't "what" me. YOUR FUCKING PREGNANT" he yelled holding out the pregnancy test
"Elton that's not mine" I said
"This was in the bathroom down here. Your the only girl that's home and it wasn't there this morning. You better explain" he said sternly
"Elton its not mine I swear" I said
"Lindsey de la Rosa" he said
"Than who's is it?" He spat. I thought for a second
"Clarissa" I said.
"What?" Everyone asked
"Clarissa. She rushed out of here. She planted it" I said
"Ya right. And you don't have proof" Elton said
"Don't I?" I asked rhetorically
I walked to the front doors. I had security cameras put in. There is one right infront of the bathroom.
There is an IPAD in the wall.
"Watch" I said. The video played. You see Clarissa walk into the bathroom but she doesn't shut the door. She pulls the test out of her pocket and puts it on the counter. Then she runs out
"See?" I said
"Your right. I'm sorry" Elton said
"Even if I was pregnant you'd be the first person I would have told and you know that" I said pissed off. I walked up to Colby's room and Layed down. Colby came up and wrapped his arm around me.
"Let's take a nap" he said. I nodded and we fell asleep

I woke up to Colby watching YouTube videos.
"Hey babe" I said
"Hello gorgeous" he smiled down at me. He pecked my lips.
Sam face timed colby
"What's up bro" Colby said
"Hey I made something really cool run out here and see" sam said. Then he hung up
"Okay?" He said. Me and Colby walked out of his room. We went to walk down the corridor but it was covered in mouse traps. Sam was holding a camera,Elton and Corey's 2 friends were there.
Colby ra and got pillows
"Your going to have to spider man out of there" Chaz said
"Fuck off" I mumbled. I rubbed my eyes.
"I see Elton with the mouse trap" Colby said holding the pillow infront of his face.
"Really" I said in a 'are you serious' tone looking at Colby. He blushed and smiled.
"If you throw a rat trap or whatever the fuck these are at me I will kill you" I threatened
I've had enough of this.
"You can keep dodging these. I'm done" I said to Colby. I just walked right across the mouse traps. They were snapping on my feet. I felt no pain.
Elton,Sam,Colby and Corey's 2 friends just stared at me jaw dropped
"How the hell did you not feel that?" Elton asked
"I'm tired,I'm angry,and my pain tolerance is very very high" I said
I looked back at Colby
"I'm the man of the relationship" I said looking him dead in the eye
"No your not!" He said defensively
"Okay mr. Mouse trap" I said sarcastically
"Your prank failed" Elton said
"Well how was I supposed to know she has feet of steel!" Sam said.
"Wait why are you angry?" Elton asked
"I'm your sister and you never believe me. I may not be blood but I would never lie to my brother unless it was life or death" I said. Then I walked downstairs. I threw on sneakers and grabbed my Keys. I got into my jeep and drove to the hospital.

Like always I went up to shawns room
"LINDSEY" sky yelled as she jumped into my arms
"Hey love bug" I smiled as I hugged her
I put her back into the floor
"Hey Shawn" I smiled
"Hey baby cakes" he said. I kissed his forehead
"How are you feeling?" I asked
"Better. My ribs healed so now I'm just waiting on my neck" he said
"So you'll be put if here soon?" I asked
"Hopefully" he smiled.
I got pulled onto someone's lap
"Hey cam" I smiled
"How did you know it was me?" He asked
"You still use the same cologne from the first magcon when I met you" I chuckled
He just hugged my waist. Hayes held sky
"Hayes let me gooooooo I wanna go to lindseyyyyy" she whined trying to get out of his grip.
He pouted and let her down. She ran to me and jumped on my lap.

Elton castee little sister Where stories live. Discover now