Ξ-Why it takes forever to clean with Asa

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With Asa Butterfield as your brother has its ups and downs. It's perks and stuff but one thing that is always my favorite thing about him is his humor. Even when we are cleaning the house for our Mum he makes me laugh and sometimes I can't tell if we cleaned or made the mess that much bigger.

Today my Mum was going to have a long day if office work and meetings. Asa and I know how stressed it makes her. Especially when she thinks she has a mess of a house to come home to and clean. It was Asa's idea to clean for her. I, of course, had agreed since she wouldn't be busy or in a mood for yelling. We decided to start with the dishes. Mum's least favorite chore to do. I turned the sink on and plugged the drain while Asa ran to get my speaker from the bathroom. I grabbed the dish soap and put a little more then we would need but who would care? I was just about to start washing the dishes when I head Asa's loud and heavy footsteps. "Hey (Y/N)?" He asked from behind me. "Yeah, Asa?" I answered as I turned to look at him.

I was greeted with the sight of my brother with a small hand towel wrapped around his wrist and from the looks of it, it had been soaked then rang out. "Oh no." Was I was able to get out before he flicked it at me which made me squeal and giggle. "HEY! No fair!" I shouted trying to move before he got another hit in. "Oh but it's completely fair!" Asa quickly retorted.

"Asa Maxwell Thornton Farr Butterfield!" I yelled. His eyes widened as I never ever use his full name. Even I was surprised that I did. "(Y/N)! You can't pull the full name card! It's not fair!" Asa pouted. "'Oh but it's completely fair.'" I quoted. Asa just chuckled. "I can't tell if we are cleaning or making just making a bigger mess." We said at the same time. I cringed. "That just creeps me out so much," I said.

Just then I heard a car pull up in the driveway. "Asa! Mum's home!" I whisper-shouted as I ran back to the sink. "Make it look like you were cleaning," Asa says and he picks up the broom and starts to sweep. Mum opened the door and just smiled. "Hello, my children," Mum said in an almost over sweet tone. "Hi, Mum," I said as I looked over my shoulder to look at her. She was smiling. "Did you two clean today?" She asked as she looks around the house. "Yes. Me and (Y/N) did actually clean." Asa chuckled. "You two are too sweet. Thank you" Mum said and she hugged Asa and hugged me from behind since I was still washing the dishes. "No problem Mum." Asa and I said at the same time.
Hello, my lovely readers. I'm sorry it took so long for me to update. But here you go! Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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