Ξ-You saved me

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I just got a job. And its with Asa Butterfield. It's an acting job I was cast to play Asa's love interest in The Space Between Us. Of course I flipped out because I though that never in a million years would I get a major movie roll with the one boy I had had a crush on since I first saw him in Ender's Game, which I thought and still think is amazing. I had just gotten out of my car and was walking to the studio for the first day of filming. I'm hoping to have a lot of fun with this movie.

I had just walked on set and was meeting the rest of the cast. I was super excited to meet Asa. When I shook his hand I swear everyone could hear my heart beating. Well at least I think I heard it over the blood roaring in my ears. I was super nervous. I dint want to say something dumb and- "(Y/N)?" My thought were interrupted by the director. "Are you okay? He asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine. I just was thinking about how awesome this movie is going to be and how lucky I am to have gotten this role. Thank you so much!" I blubbered. I needed to keep my cool. I gave him a shy smile and walked to the hallway that was lined with dressing rooms on each side.

Each door had a shiny gold star with the actor's name in the middle. I was looking for mine, secretly hoping that it would be somewhat close to Asa's. I came across the door that had my name on it. "(Y/N) (L/N)" was written in big, thick black ink. It some-what satisfying to have my name on a gold star. Even if it was only for a dressing room. And right across the hall was Asa's room. Should I knock and just say hi and introduce myself? Or should I leave him alone? I debated with myself on this for what seemed like forever until I heard the twisting of a door knob and saw Asa's door start to creak open... oh crap! I surely could run into my room without looking weird.

"Oh. Hey (Y/N). I see you found your way down here just fine. I was about to go look for you and see if you wanted to take a small tour around the studio. Do you want to?" Asa blurted out the last part. Was he nervous? No he had no reason to be nervous, did he? I nodded my head, not wanting to say something that could embarrass myself. I have a habit of doing that. Asa grabbed my hand and started to walk back down the hall when an alarm started... it sounded almost like a fire alarm but how could a fire have started. Asa seemed to be confused too. "Asa, do you know what that alarm is for?" I asked. He hesitated.

"Yeah. It's the call that they use so we know that we need to start filming or that filming is about to start." He said nervously. "Oh then shouldn't we get to the set then?" I asked while just looking at his eyes. His eyes are pretty. Sorry I got distracted for a sec. "Yeah we should." He says. "Okay let's go." I say as we start to walk back to the set. I don't help but let my eyes wonder back to our still linked hands. His hands are warm. We walk till we get to the set and we told that we are going to be shooting the first scene so we all get into our places when I hear something

It was a stage light. It rushes to hit the ground and when it does sparks go every where. Some landed on cloth that was laying around and caught flame. Soon everything was in fire. I was in the middle of it. I was terrified. "Help!" I cried out as loud as I could.

It was getting harder to breathe. Everything hurt and I didn't like the intense heat. "Please... help." I yelled again but really quieter because my throat was horse from all the yelling and the smoke. I had been staring the whole time and I just fell to the floor in a fit of coughs.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?!" I voice calls out. They start to cough. "I'm...-" I was interrupted by my own coughing. "I'm..... over... here." I finally manage to say. But with labored breathing in between each word. I heard footsteps coming closer but the they moved away. "I'm *gasps* right here!" I say as loud a I can.

The footsteps are coming right at me. Everything hurt even more now. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me up and drag me toward a vent. Everything then goes black.


I was on a gurney and I was going in and out of consciences. I heard people coughing and talking but I didn't know what was going on around me. I had an oxygen mask over my face to keep my breathing. Everything still really hurt. I was being loaded in an ambulance. I went out cold again.


I was laying in a hospital bed with a major headache and someone was holding my hand.
"(Y/N), please be okay." It was Asa. "Please. Please be okay. I turned my head to look at him but it only made my head hurt more.

"Asa?" I barely managed to get out. I could just look at him and smile. He saved me. "Asa you saved me. You are my hero."

Hey guys it's me! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a really long time I have been traveling and have been really stressing about stuff. But I really hope that you enjoyed the imagine. My friend BrookeEdgar helped me with the idea so credit to her. Love y'all ✌️

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