d i s c l a i m e r

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good morning/afternoon/night.
i'm back at it again with the controversial book ideas !! but i'm gonna approach it differently this time. i'm going to state the following because i feel like it's good to know if you plan to read this and it's also good to note so i don't get my happy ass in trouble.

-i do not think having a relationship with someone way older than you is a good idea, maybe if you're over 18, but it can still turn bad extremely quickly. (and i'm not talking about an age gap of 3-4 years.)

-this book is fictional. though the characters are not, the story line and most things that will happen in this is completely fiction.

-i do not own any of these characters, they are their own people, i do not know them and they do not know me.

-just because the main character does something,,, does. not. mean. i. agree.
i've gotten comments/messages attacking me for something a character has done. please understand that anything they say/do is simply to compliment and help develop the plot.

-please keep the comments calm, if someone says something that you disagree with, doesn't give you the right to be equally as terrible and call them a name. even i'm guilty of doing this.. frequently but i definitely don't think it's ok and i'm trying to break that habit.

-i swear to you as tempting as it may be, this will not be a typical 'lolita' type book. you know the now cliche ones where she falls for someone that's 56 and they are 16. it'll have my twist on it, aka crime or some sort of insanity. maybe both if we're lucky.

-and last but not least! there will be smut probably. so if you get uncomfortable before i do, feel free to message me and ask what that chapter is about. ill try not to make an important chapter full of smut because i want everyone to enjoy this (:

that is all for now. the teaser should be up soon as soon as i can have it up!


summer camp ; joshler Where stories live. Discover now