Hannily - Fanfic

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Emily - POV

I'm sitting at my desk, studying, when my phone goes off. I ignore it because I need to focus, but it goes off twice more. I sigh and check the screen. Three texts from Hanna. Hanna is my best friend. She has blonde, beautiful hair, bright, blue eyes, and the most beautiful smile you'll ever see. She was the first person to find out that I'm gay and she's been so accepting, I'm so glad that she's my friend.

The text messages read, 'Emily! SOS! I need you! Please come over!' She sounds in trouble, I think. But I really need to study. No, it's not right to ignore her, so I put on my sweater and walk over to Hanna's house.

I arrive at Hanna's and knock on the door. She answers it almost immediately, with tears in her eyes. She pulls me inside and into a hug. She buries her head into my shoulder and starts to cry. "Hanna!" I say. "What's wrong? What happened?" She doesn't answer but instead cries more. I pull her out of the entry way and into the living room. We sit down on the couch, still holding onto each other. Hanna finally releases her grip and looks up into my eyes.

I look sympathetically into her sparkling pupils and almost cry myself. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask. She finally answers, looking away. "No boys like me! I-I kissed Travis and he pulled away. I kissed officer Holbrook and he turned around and left! I miss Caleb and I'm so confused!"

Caleb was Hanna's boyfriend she's had for 2 years. He recently broke up with her because he moved out of Rosewood and into Ravenswood. He was there to help Miranda, a girl he met on the bus, find her uncle. He broke up with her when he visited Rosewood a month ago. Hanna has been a wreck since then. She thinks he broke up with her because he wanted to date Miranda but I've assured her that, that can't possibly be the reason.

Hanna looks back up at me, hoping for an answer, but I'm at a loss for words. I haven't really had to deal with boys, but I have had painful break-ups. The only difference in my break-ups were that my girlfriends died. Two of them: Alison and Maya. Alison was one of my best friends and she was the one who knew I was gay even when I didn't. She helped me and I loved her so dearly, but she didn't feel exactly the same. She had rejected me right before she died and I was angry at her. It was a tragic goodbye.

Maya had been murdered. She moved into Alison's old house after she died. We dated for about a year and I loved her more than anything. When I was dating her, I told my parents I was gay. They didn't fully accept it, especially my mother. Maya died 2 years ago and I still miss her everyday. But in that 2 year span, Hanna has become more and more attractive. I have a crush on her, I'll admit it. But she would never feel the same way about me.

Hanna stands up and puts her head in her hands. "I'm sorry," she says. "I'm being stupid. I just miss Caleb so much, I'm forcing myself on guys who I know won't like me back!" I don't know what to say, Hanna has always been fragile. I just stand up and hug her again. We just stand there in silence, I don't want to leave her embrace.

Finally, she sniffs and breaks from the hug. She walks into the kitchen and I follow her. "Just forget it, Em," she says to me. "I love you, you're always there for me!" I know she just means as a friend but I can't help but blush at the three words. She continues, "As long as you're here, do you want to hang out? Or do you have to do something later today? If not we can have a sleepover!"

My mind drifts to the studying, and my mom is expecting me for dinner. But I can always cancel and studying can wait until tomorrow. "Okay," I reply. "Great!" Hanna says, and continues talking about some magazine she just "discovered". I'm always nervous when me and Hanna have sleepovers, which is odd because we have something like 2 or 3 a week. But as soon as we get into watching movies or gossiping, my butterflies go away.

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