Hannily - Fanfic: Alison

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I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update! I went to Italy for the summer and had no time to write. I will definitely try to be quicker!  In this chapter, I change a few facts from the show about Alison and the girls reuniting, but other than that, it is based off of Pretty Little Liars entirely.

Emily POV:

        It's been 2 weeks since Hanna told me she loved me and, honestly, I'm still in shock. After Maya died, Hanna became more and more attractive and I developed a small crush on her. Okay, it wasn't so small. I've loved Hanna for 2 years now, and finally, she loves me back.

My phone rings and it's Hanna. "Hey!" I cheerily say to her. "Hey," she says back. "Are we still good for lunch today?" "Of course," I answer. "I wouldn't miss it." I hang up and leave for school. I love seeing Hanna everyday, her sparkling eyes, her sexy smile. She's perfect, and I can't believe she's mine.

I arrive at school and look around--no sign of Hanna. I shrug it off and make my way to English, my first class. Hanna isn't in any of my classes but we always hang out after school, and lunch if we can. I'm staring at the clock when I hear someone whisper my name. I whip my head around and see Hanna standing in the doorway. She says, "Hey! Sorry, can't stay! See you at lunch!" She blows me a kiss and hurries to her class. My face turns red and I smile. She really is perfect.

Hanna POV:

        I've been dating Emily for 2 weeks and I still haven't told her about Maya. I was going to a few times, but things are going so well and I didn't want to make her upset. See, I never meant to hurt Maya. One night I saw her and Nate fighting outside the Brew and I went in to get a latte. Just as I came out, I saw Nate slap her. She stopped yelling at him and started to cry. I felt terrible and I wanted to help her but I didn't want to get hurt too. In that moment, Nate seemed like a monster.

Maya dismissed the fight and walked away. I ran up to her and asked if she was okay. She said she was fine but I could see she was on the verge of crying again. I offered her a ride home. We got into my car and started toward her house when she got very startled, as if she just remembered something frightening. She demanded I pull the car over and that she leave immediately.

I didn't know what she was talking about but before I could ask, she had already gotten out. I followed her in my car when I heard the worst sound anyone could ever hear. The sound of a human neck crack. I ran out of my car and saw Maya, lying there, no pulse. I had hit her with my car. I didn't know what to do so I drove away as fast as possible, and I haven't been suspected since. I don't want to tell Emily because I know it will hurt her too much, but it's too big a secret to keep from her.

Emily POV:

Finally the lunch bell rings. Time to meet Hanna. I make my way to my locker when I see Hanna down the hall. "Hanna!" I yell to her. "Hanna! Over here!" She sees me and jogs in my direction. I'm greeted with a lively 'Hello!' and a quick kiss. "Hey," I say. "Ugh, the mornings are too long! I wish we had classes together." She responds, "Me too. I missed you. But now we have an hour to ourselves and I'm not wasting a minute of it! Come on!" We both laugh. "I'm coming, calm down," I giggily say. I put my books away and we head into Rosewood to have lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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