Pure bliss

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Third pov

After that Tuesday, day after day, Wyatt and Jaeden saw each other almost every day. They were two new lovers who wanted to fully discover all of each other's love they had to offer.
Soon the entire gang had found out, mostly from Jack's blabber mouth. But they all accepted them as a couple. And Jeremy even laughed and said:
"I was wondering when you guys would stop chickening out and just date."
And though the two boys haven't told their parents yet, they found it reasonable to do it some other time. When they knew their relationship would actually last awhile and not just some summer thing.
Though just by looking at Jaeden, Wyatt knew that this was no summer fling. This was true love.
"Come here."
Wyatt opened his arms as he stood in Jaeden's living room door. (front door, whatever)
Jaeden, over joyed to see the boy, flung himself into the waiting arms that wrapped around him making him feel warm.
"I missed you."
Jaeden whispered as the hug continued.
"Jae you saw me yesterday."
Wyatt chuckled, letting go of the taller boy who had just previously laid his head on the shorter's shoulder.
"Yeah. But I like to see you every day."
Jaeden blushed, receiving a smile from the other.
"Me too babe."
Then they kissed, short and sweet, but it still gave the two the feeling you get on a roller coaster as you take the big drop down. And neither could ever get enough of it.
"Come in?"
Jaeden had noticed he was keeping Wyatt in the door frame, not fully allowing him to come in.
"I'd like that."
Wyatt laughed, causing Jaeden to playfully hit at him.
"Who's here?"
A women's voice called out, and both instantly knew it was Jaeden's mother.
"It's Wyatt, mom. He came to watch Naruto!"
"K have fun nerds. I'll be up with snacks later!"
Wyatt raised his eyebrows at the taller, looking up at him.
"I came to watch Naruto? Is that all you could think of?"
Jaeden's face gave off an offended look and grabbed Wyatt's hand.
"Should I tell her you came over to make out with her son?"
Brown eyes widened, eyebrows flew up, and a grin went over his face, his head even tilted the slightest. Giving that sarcastic look Wyatt hated.
"No. Definitely not."
Now they both laughed, going up into Jaeden's room.
Jaeden put Naruto on and selected an episode he had already seen so he wasn't missing any new information.
"Can I have a kiss?"
Jaeden said out of nowhere, pouting his lips.
Wyatt went over and stood in front of the other boy. His hands found their way to a waist and noticed that still with every touch he placed upon the boy, the other seemed to gain a different breathing pattern.
A loud hitch in the others throat was heard by Wyatt as Wyatt's hands traveled down, grabbing a handful of his boyfriend's ass.
Now his lips slowly made their way to the others, then a whine was heard as if someone was impatient. And Jaeden tried kissing Wyatt. But Wyatt let go of Jaeden and stepped back.
"Woah! Stop. That's gay."
Jaeden rolled his eyes.
"This has always been gay, where have you been?"
Wyatt smiled, giving Jaeden what he wanted, gently placing his lips onto the others.
But Jaeden deepened the kiss, making sure to keep it passionate and not sloppy.
Wyatt, pulled Jaeden against him and the taller gasped as he got pulled. Wyatt smirked, loving every reaction he got from the boy with anything he did.
"My mom's home-"
Wyatt let go of Jaeden as he realized the other was right.
"So not too crazy today?"
Wyatt replied with a sigh:
"I guess so."
"We can make out still. Just no tricks."
"Tricks? What ever do you mean?"
Wyatt grinned, acting innocent.
"So none of this?"
Wyatt parted his lips, placing them on his lover's own again.
Jaeden's eyes widened as he felt Wyatt's tongue push itself into the warmth of his mouth. He held back a moan and grabbed onto Wyatt.
Wyatt felt Jaeden give into the kiss and kiss back the same way. And soon two teenage boys stood in the middle of a room, Naruto full blast, making out.
When lips parted from lips, it made a sound as if they were suction cupped to each other's mouth's.
"Wyatttt. We can't do that."
Jaeden whined.
"You weren't complaining when it was happening."
The other shrugged not seeing the problem.
"You know how hard it is to keep from moaning and-"
Jaeden's face grew hot and realized he wasn't saying anything he usually would, so he stopped.
"What was that Lieberher?"
Wyatt grinned again. Making Jaeden playfully push him and lay on his own bed. Wyatt followed after, and the two with red swollen lips found themselves cuddling.
Just then Jaeden's mother walked in with food and Jaeden nearly jumped off of the bed, startled.
Wyatt frowned but understood so he just sat up.
"What's going on boys?..."
"Nothing! Nothing."
Jaeden looked at Wyatt, the boy nodded.
The tall boy pointed at the snacks and took them.
"Thanks mom."
He smiled. She didn't.
"Door stays open, no funny business. Especially from you Wyatt."
They both looked at her dumbfounded. Did she know?
"If you break my son's heart there'll be consequences. He's very sensitive-"
Groaned Jaeden, Wyatt chuckled, nodding at Mrs. Lieberher.
"Sorry, sorry. Just making sure my son's boyfriend is treating him right."
And as she walked out of the room she let out a:
"Next time don't be so loud when mentioning making out. Okay?"
A wink was caught and then she left. The two just watched the now empty door with their mouth's agape. Shocked.
Very shocked at what had just happened.
"What was that?"
Wyatt asked, still looking at the door. Jaeden snapped from his daze to look at Wyatt.
"Well she knows. So now you can't break up with me."
Jaeden smiled at the last part like an innocent school boy who just got a sticker for behaving.
"I wasn't planning on breaking up with you ever. You're stuck with me."
He stood up and they both smirked. Jaeden walked over to him, Wyatt sat back down on his boyfriend's bed, pulling Jaeden on his lap. And lips smashed against lips, which made both feel raw. But nobody cared enough to pull away.
An out of breath boy said very much out of breath:
"I love you."
Though it was quiet, they both heard it loud and clear. Naruto seemed to be nowhere in focus, only each other is what they could find.
And Wyatt kissed him again, both melting into each other's kiss.
Making today nothing short of pure bliss.

Author's note:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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