Just Moved

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I hate the cold. Which meant that right now, I hated England. I moved here from America with my friend Jessica who said that it would be good to go somewhere new for a change. It was cold in England right now so I wasn't really happy with the current change of location. Jessica was at our new apartment unpacking things. When I refused to help and was less than a little enthusiastic, she tossed my a coat and pushed me out into the hallway of the building. She told me to walk around for a while and she'd let me back in after two hours. At first I was just going to stand in the hallway till she let me back inside, but then I got bored and decided to just walk around a bit. It was winter here so I was freezing. I shivered and stuffed my hands into my pocket. My hair was blowing in my face and it was annoying but I didn't want to take my hands out to brush it out of my way. After a while I stopped and looked around. I realized that I had no idea where I lived. 'Great' I thought to myself. Just as I was about to pull out my cellphone and call Jessica for directions, a shiny black vehicle nearly ran over me. Granted I was stopped in the middle of the road, but still, they shouldn't have been driving so fast anyways. "Hey watch where you're going!" I shouted at them. They parked and four people got out and began walking away while somebody else drove the car away. They were walking toward a statue thing. I was watching them when suddenly a gust of wind blew my hair into my face, by the time I got it out of my eyes, they were gone. 'Well that's weird' I thought. I went back to calling Jessica and thought nothing more of it.
"Hello?" Jessica answered.
"Hey, Jes. I, like, totally forget where we live."
"Seriously, you're lost already?"
"Sorry." I replied defensively. "I've never left our apartment before and we only got here yesterday."
She sighed before telling me what street we lived on and what apartment we lived in. "It's apartment number twenty-one, okay? Remember that."
"Got it. Second floor number twenty-one." I repeated back to her.
"Yup, see you soon."
I said goodbye and hung up. I immediately began walking in the direction that she told me to walk in, I didn't want to be out here any longer than I had to. I thought about the people that almost ran over me earlier. It was like they had just disappeared. I knew that that was impossible but that's what it seemed like. I found myself wanting to know more about these people. I decided that if I ever saw them again, which was unlikely, I would find out who they were and where they had gone off to. I turned down onto the street that our building was, as it turns out, I wasn't really that far away. After a while I managed to get to Jessica and my apartment.
"Took you long enough." she said.
"Shut up. You're the one who kicked me out in the first place." I reminded her.
"Whatever." she said.
I walked over to a pile of empty boxes. There were a lot there. "Did you already unpack all of these?" I asked. She looked up at the pile of empty boxes and nodded. She had unpacked our beds, most of our closets, the couch, and other small things like pictures, a small table, and a mirror on the wall. That was pretty impressive.
"Thanks" she said. Damn, I must've said that out loud. "Yup." I said as a sat down next to the latest pile of boxes she was going through. "You should probably sleep now. It's,like, ten at night." I said.
"I will." she said as she picked up her phone. "It's only 9:45."
"Whatever. I almost got run over today." I told her about the people and how I almost got run over. "They didn't just disappear. That's impossible." she said. "I know that. Its a figure of speech." It wasn't though. I had already considered that they had just left really fast, but there was nowhere they could've gone to without me seeing them. After a while of just sitting there I said, "I'm going to go to sleep now, see ya."
"Night." she said.
I walked back to room and looked around it was a decent size. Jessica's room was the same size but she had less stuff than me so it would be more comfortable than mine. I got dressed in a nightgown and brushed my hair out before getting into my bed. Before I fell asleep I found myself hoping that I would meet those people again. They were the most interesting thing that had happened in England so far.

Authors note: So what do you think. I was bored and the idea just came to me so I wrote it. Leave a vote/comment to tell me what you think. If it gets popular enough then I will continue it. :)

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