Welcome to Torchwood

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The next morning was off to a painful start. I had woken up by rolling off the side of my bed and landing face-first onto the floor. I groaned into the floor as I rolled onto my back. I covered my face with my hand, 'Great,' I thought, 'Now my nose is probably bleeding.' Sure enough, when I pulled my hand away there was blood. I stumbled drowsily into the bathroom that Jessica and I shared. 'I guess she never got around to unpacking the bathroom yet.' There wasn't much in the bathroom except for a roll of toilet paper ,both of our toothbrushes and a half-empty tube of toothpaste. I went to the sink and looked at the mirror, it wasn't too bad but my nose was definitely bleeding a lot. I tore off some toilet paper from the roll and held it to my nose. 'Are you supposed to look up or down for a nosebleed?' I decided upon looking down. It took a while but eventually my nose stopped bleeding. I flushed the tissue down the toilet and walked out to the living room. I hadn't seen Jessica yet so I assumed that she was in her room.

As I was walking over to the couch, I tripped over a box. "Aah!" I exclaimed as I fell forward onto the floor, "Ouch." That hurt. I slammed my shoulder hard against the corner of another box and hit my forehead on the box in front of me. I stood up rubbing my shoulder and head. "Jeez, if my day keeps going like this, I'll be in a coma by tonight." I said to myself.

I heard a noise coming from the couch and was scared for a moment before Jessica sat up. She looked tired and her usually straight blonde hair was now a tangled poof ball. I couldn't help but to laugh at her.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"You, uhm," I stifled more giggles, "You might want to check your hair." I said.

She looked confused and tilted her head to the side. She got up and went to the bathroom. "Oh my god, seriously?" she shouted. I laughed like a little kid again. "Hey that's not funny. Do you have any idea how long it's going to take to get all the knots out?" she demanded.

I could tell that she was trying to sound serious but I could hear the humor in her voice as she said it. We laughed about her hair for a while before we started to make things to eat. And by 'make things to eat', I mean 'order some delivery food'. I called in the order for pizza(because what else would normal people have for breakfast?) while Jessica took a shower and brushed her hair. She was done by the time the pizza was ready. We ate in silence since neither of us know how to hold a conversation. Eventually Jessica talked though, "So what were you going on about yesterday?" she inquired.

Oh, yeah. The disappearing people. I had assumed that it had just been a dream but apparently it wasn't. "Oh nothing. Apparently I was just so cold, tired, lost and bored that I imagined disappearing people." I said sarcastically. She gives me the look that she gives people when she's disappointed in them, and continues to eat her pizza. When we're both done, I clean up the kitchen and she goes back to unpacking everything. I feel like I should help but I also wanted to revisit the place I was at yesterday. 'Well I'm sure she won't mind me going out. After all, she literally forced me out the door yesterday' I thought. "Hey Jess," she looked up at me, "I'm gunna go out again. Okay?" she nodded before saying, "Don't get lost again."

"No promises." I retorted as I grabbed my coat and walked out the door. It wasn’t as bad outside today as it was yesterday so it was more enjoyable. There were also more people out though which would make it difficult to search for vanishing people. I figured that I could discretely hang around the area until it got late, it wouldn't be too long since I woke up at around noon anyway. I saw a couple people but nobody looked like the people that I saw. Then again, I didn't see the driver and it was dark so I didn’t even get a good look at the others, they could have walked right past me and I might not have even noticed. I kept my eye near the location where I last saw them but nothing extraordinary seemed to be happening. The are a itself wasn’t even that interesting. After a while, I got hungry again. I also got a phone call from Jessica. I decided to answer the phone as I found a place to eat.

There was an awkward silence on the other end because I had apparently forgotten to say hello.




“Where are you?”

“Near the place I was yesterday.”

“Oh, well how come you didn't say anything when you picked up?” she laughed as she said this.

“I don’t know, I'm just stupid like that. Hey, do you know anywhere I could get food here?”

“Not really. You’ve left the apartment more than I have. All I know of is the pizza place.”

“I cant just have pizza for every meal of the day.” I said as I wandered aimlessly down the street. People weren’t on the road as much since it was getting dark. There were still people out but no more than was expected so I figured It'd be okay to start examining the location now.

“Crimson, are you even listening?” she asked. Oops, I completely forgot that I was still on the phone with her.

“Umm, no, not really. Sorry, I spaced out again.”

“You do that a lot.” she said. I agreed and after some boring conversation about how she couldn't find her jewelry, we finally hung up. I looked around a bit more but nothing was changed so I decided to go to a bar for a bit. That's when I saw them. Two of the people from yesterday. They were walking down the street talking to each other. I decided to follow them and see where they went. I ended up following them to the tower place where I had saw them last night before they disappeared. They stood up on to the side of it and they disappeared again, only this time I had actually seen it. My first reaction was to consider checking into a mental hospital but then I decided that my sanity was intact enough that I wouldn’t see people disappearing. I decided to stand were they had stood and see what happened. I stepped up and then the ground started sinking. I almost screamed before I realized that it was just a platform that was moving down. I could have also sworn that I heard a pterodactyl. When I got to the bottom I saw a crowd of people standing there waiting for me. “Oh, no.” I mumbled quietly under my breath. With my luck I had probably just accidentally infiltrated a government base or something. I wondered what they were going to do.

“Hi, Captain Jack Harkness. Welcome to Torchwood.”

A/N: I think that I'm going to put this on hold for a while now because I completely ran out of ideas. Let me know in the comments what you thought of this chapter and leave a vote:)

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