Dare #3

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I am happy I finally got a comment
From: DescendantsGirl24
Dare: Evie has to go to the isle for a week without telling anyone.

Evie:I gonna miss them
Evie's POV
"I better get going"
I spelled myself there.
I found a place I can stay
This going to be a long week.

Mal's POV

I was going to Evie's dorm to hang out but I open the door no Evie!
I run and tell everybody.
Everybody is sad but Jay looks worried
Mal:Jay why are u worried?
Jay:When I was walking pass her dorm I heard her say
she will miss us.
Mal:We have to find her.
~~2 days later~~~
Mal:I miss her
Jay:Me too
Ben:We all do but we have to stay strong
Mal:Ben right
Evie's POV
I finally back at auradon
I going to find them there probably really sad. I sneak up on them
Evie:I'm Back!
Jay:Why did u leave?
Evie:*sing song voice*Dare!
Mal:I missed u
Evie: I missed u all

Please send in more comments!
Chapter dedicated to:DescendantsGirl24

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