In ky's eyes tf

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Dear Roy,

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Dear Roy,

Pinche pendejo hijo de puta marrano cochino cara de pene Making a challenge with me isn't cool man. For real, we both know I can win you at this, it's gonna be so fucking long you'll want to delete it because it'll annoy you, and I'm here to prove it, you incredible piece of shit. You're such a great fucking person, you're not just an incredible friend but a person too. You can literally make someone laugh their ass off when their dog just died like three seconds ago. And let me tell you, a dog deaths is fucking depressing as fuck. Yes you're that good, man you're vibe is just something people need in their lives, you can start a conversation by something so random and make it wet as fuck, conversations with you are never dry, your memes have me rolling damn, you'd always hook me up with memes and shit honestly no one send me funny ass memes like you did. Before I go into the deep shit I want to bring some memories back, like the time we faced time and you wanted to see my reaction to your memes when you were the one laughing your fucking ass of haha damn that was some funny faces you made that day, bro you're laugh is like laud ass fuck my sister even said why you watching monkeys laugh? No joke it was deadass hilarious don't even get me started with that Dorito girl, shitttttt was too Funny I died, you couldn't stop sharing it with everyone, literally seeing you get hype by just sharing an old ass meme is the best. It shows how much you care about your friends.

I remember you getting mad me for leaving people on read without giving them a chance to know them and how you would never do that because (wow I just checked the time and all of this^ just took me like a minute to write like no fucking joke man I'm surprised at myself damn just imagine what I have to say this isn't even half way) ok back to me leaving peeps on read and you being a nice puto. You told me once that you wouldn't leave a person on read what's so ever, they could be annoying and dry AND you still wouldn't leave them. Why? Because you have such a big fucking heart that you thought of them. You said you wouldn't like it if someone left you on read because you'd be insecure about it, you'd think you weren't funny enough or good enough for them, that a simple hey back can make someone's day because you never know if they need someone to talk to, and that shit hit me to the heart (literally has 10+ unread messages) and that's were the deep shit comes in. People see you as this happy guy and don't get me wrong, you are, you ARE happy and you ARE grateful for what you have but there's times were you feel insecure and I'm here to tell you this: "I'm better off dead" you once told me you had suicidal thoughts and I know you're over them (stay that way, you're rocking it) but since I'm leaving, I want to let this out; and not just for you, for me too, hell its for every one who's reading This (also cough cough it makes this shit longer) well I read this small story and I thought I'd shared it with you.

-when I worked at a non profit that handled suicide prevention, I had access to the donation records, each month, a specific man donated 15$ to our organization. It was like clockwork... same day, same man, he had been doing this for 4 years. It always seemed odd to me but I never questioned it... until I saw a note attached one month. "For Noah-Dad"

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