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The Japanese words I used in this chapter:
kouhai - (the younger person)

mochiron - of course

hime-same - princess, lady (as the OC's name is Himi, Mikuriya call her hime to anger her)

baka - idiot

nandemonai - nevermind
temē -  you bastard, idiot

senpai  - (the older person)

The school finally finished and I had to go to my after school club. Well, I didn't have to but it was a pleasure to spent some time playing games and talking with my friends.

As I turned around the corner I saw a guy not from our school. His uniform said it all, it wasn't even a bit similar to the one that our school had. He was yelling at some of the first years asking about something. I recognized one of the students as Namikawa Koushi from computer club. Well, now that I knew that one of my kouhai was there I had no way but to interfere.

"Ya! What do you think you are doing yelling at them like that?" I came closer to them and placed each hand on the first years' shoulders pulling them back.
"*tch*" the spiky head looked at me and then sighed.
"Himi-san, don't you have club meeting now?" Namikawa-kun asked worriedly from behind me and I sent him a glare.
"Mochiron" I said sternly looking at him and he gulped, "If I remember correctly you also have" I added and the brat laughed.
"Ohh, so you are Himi-san. Well, then Hime-sama would you be so kind to show-"
"I'm not Hime-sama. It's HIMI, Himi Sora, baka. So don't even try to call me that ever again" I cut him off and gritted my teeth. He then saw something or someone behind me.
"Nandemonai" the spiky hair murmured and shoved me to the side going in the direction of faculty room.
"Temē..." I mumble and Namikawa-kun's eyes wandered from me to the jerk.
"Hi-himi-san, I will go now. You know... the club" he said and my gaze landed on him. He pointed behind him and added, "I'll tell senpai that you're coming".
Namikawa-kun pushed his friend deeper into the hall.

I sighed and turned to see where the spiky head went but I saw him with another first year.
"R-ragnarok!" he yelled and the glasses-kun tensed.
"Mikuriya-kun! What are you doing here?" he asked.
The name sounded similar but I couldn't remember where I heard it. But I certainly recognized the boy in our school uniform from the library where I had seen him some times. I let it go and went to the club room.

As I was helping my best friend with formatting one of the computers Mikoto-san, the head of our club, came to us with pile of papers.
"Himi-chan can you take these papers to Sasajime-kun, he's probably in small class B" he asked and I nodded taking the pile from him.

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