Chapter Twenty-Six- Old Friends Can Reconcile

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Firstly, I am soooooo sorry this is updated THIS late. I know writers go on hiatus, but really Nia?! However, I am going to be wrapping this story up as I have a lot of other ideas that are going to be published over the next few weeks (expect this to be completed by the end of next week or so earliest, and this time I WILL finish it, I swear) 

A Levels and other stresses prevented me from completing this story, and then I  had a lack of to no motivation due to other life things getting in the way, but I think it's good to take breaks now and then, and I am so happy that this story has received so many reads, votes and fans, thank you all!

 I love you guys so much, honestly. Just seeing the votes and comments that have been left was enough for me to get off my butt and continue writing, which I have missed so much! 

So again, you can tell me how much you're mad at me for this in the comments (I don't blame ya to be completely honest, lmao) 

Time to get back to Victoria and Kate! 

-----Nia :) 


"Victoria," I said, getting her attention. She looked up at me as she held a cold compress to her head to numb the pains of a hangover. 

"Yes Greene?" she replied. 

"I need you to tell me," 

She picked up the magazine that was next to her and turned a page over nonchalantly. The thing looked as if it was made to get her out of social situations, the pages were as tattered as my checked shirt which had shrunk in the wash recently. 

You never forget when you lose something you love.

Perhaps Victoria's flair for over-dramatics really was wearing off on me... 

"Tell you what?" she asked.

"What's going on with you and Swan?" 

Victoria sighed, and put the magazine down, then exhaled, a long, drawn-out exhale as if she was preparing to let off some steam.

"Swan and I used to like the same guy. And then well..." 


"I dated him, and then something happened I don't know..." Victoria trailed off.


"Okay, the two of us became friends after that because the guy turned out to be a bit of...and by bit of I mean complete asshole," 

I knew the type. 

"He cheated," Victoria added. 

Ugh, asshole indeed. 

"And then, we went on a camping trip with her family and...I don't know what happened exactly, one thing led to another and we were kissing near the campfire we had made outside her tent, her dad got mad, my mum was shocked, the two of us lied and said we were just playing dares and there was nothing between us. " 

I didn't say anything as I waited for Victoria to continue speaking. She and Swan had a thing? 

That was in the past, I guess some people were just really good at holding grudges. 

"After that, Swan asked if the two of us could continue in private and I said I'd rather we just be friends, she told me that she couldn't believe me, couldn't believe I would do this after everything, and then shut me out. She then started to want to be better at me in it taking it too far, and then we dated for a bit longer and broke up and I guess now she's just jealous because I like y-" 

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