Chapter 7

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Jay's P.O.V

When they took off their hoods I couldn't keep my eyes off Jaycee. she was beautiful. "so who took him?" Leslie asked Kaite. i zoned them out and walked over to Jaycee. " Hey im Jay." i hold out my hand for her to shake.

"Jaycee" she shook my hand "so your lightning thats cool" she nodded and i smiled. "Jay!" i heard Cole call my name "what?" i look over at him " are you gonna help out or what?" i raise an eyebrow "y-yeah but what were you guys talking about" i see Kait face palm " he's useless at times." "hey i heard that!" i walk over to her and hit her upside the head

"what the fudge Jay?!" she jumps on me and starts slaping me "get off me!"

Kait's P.O.V.

"No!" I slap him again and backflip off him after getting bored. he falls face first on the floor and i laugh and hear the others laughing too. "Isnt that how siblings fight?" Leslie asked after the laughing fit

"Yeah thats how siblings mostly fight with each other" Kai said. "how would you know" i smirk " you and Nya hardly fight" i go over to him and poke his cheek. "Well not now but when we were little we fought everyday." he poked my cheek.

"But me and Jay arent siblings" i shake my head "anyways are you guys sure you want to help out getting Nathan back" i look at the guys and see them lined up and nodding. "then go!" Jaycee said "wait we need to find where they are at" Zanetta got her by the hood and brought her over to us.

"Zanetta's right" Nicole said and put her arm on my shoulder "lets go find out then" Cole walked inside with us following. i looked down thinking why she would take him and felt a hand on my shoulder. i looked up and saw Kai smiling at me. i smiled back at him "itll be okay i bet you that he isnt hurt" he put his arm over my shoulders and started walking with me alongside him.

I sigh "i hope your right" i follow the boys. "it looks like they're in ninjago city. looks like we got lucky today!" Cole said "okay now can we go?" Jaycee looked over to me and i nodded. "Yes!" she ran out Jay following her. "idiots." i laugh and we follow them. i get my sword out and jump off changing the sword to my blade cycle and head to the city.

When we get there we change them back and put them away. "lets split up into two teams girls and boys" i look around and see them nod "okay me and the girls got the east and south part of town and you guys have the west and north parts. if any of you see the snakes send zane to us if we see then we'll send Zanetta. you can separate from your group but be careful." They all nodded again "okay lets go." i jumped onto one of the shops and started running the girls right behind me.

"Please be okay Nathan."


Yay i finally updated! im sorry that its short but atleast i got something done right? anyways can you guys read my new book when it comes out and read where am i itll make me really happy and arigato if you do read them (arigato means thank you.) again sorry if it was short. Bye!

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