He surprises you with Breakfast

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You just came home from visiting your family in New York at around 2am so you're currently in bed sleeping off the jet lag 


Currently 1pm

You open your eyes slowly looking at the sunlight hiding behind the curtains while stretching your arms back to feeling Nick's cold side of the bed empty

while you're looking around confused and about the time, you get up and check your phone on the nightstand

"its already 1 oh my gosh" you whisper to yourself pulling the covers off then all of a sudden you hear a loud clank downstairs which startled you and you snap up to get you're robe, since you're currently only wearing a thong and one of Nick's t-shirts

you dash down the stairs to the kitchen with a heel in your hand ready to attack whatever is in the kitchen.

You creep behind the wall tip toeing to see both refrigerator doors open so you don't see who's behind, terrified, you jump out yelling "AHHHH" with the heel in your hand

"Babe! Baby! It's me Nick!!" He yells dropping the case of butter with his hands in the air

you drop the heel and let out a huge breath

"oh  my gosh Nick you scared the crap out of me!" you say and hit him on the shoulder. He laughs and picks up the butter off the ground and sets it on the table behind him. You pick up the heel and toss it behind you in the living room.

"why didn't you wake me up earlier?" i ask curiously 

"because you looked like an angel and i didn't wanna disrupt your sleep beautiful" he says while kissing your forehead, which caused you to smile

"AAAANNNNDD" he says walking behind you to cover your eyes

"nick what are you doing" you say giggling as he guides you to take a few steps

"you just have to be patient (your name)" he says laughing

he then tells you to sit down and moves his hand from your eyes

you're immediately in shock to see a stack of waffles, plates of bacon, eggs, hash browns, you name it, and behind a bouquet of flowers with a card

"babe, i-im i-i don't even, this is just the sweetest thing ever" you say about to tear up

you dash up from the chair to give him a big hug and he managed to get a hold of your thighs with his hands supporting your bum while you snuggle your head in the crook of his neck

you jump off and he comes down to kiss you. you both smile in the kiss and both sit down to eat

"(your name) by the way, were you really going to use a heel if i was an intruder?" he asks laughing

"fork it baby" you say stuffing a piece of waffle in his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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