Find Your Family

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Chapter 12
Rachel's pov:
I sat in the county jail waiting to be let out . I can't believe Finns mom had me arrested . I sat in the cell and than suddenly the guard opened the gate and said ,

"Berry you're free to go." And let me out .

I smiled relieved knowing Finn was going to be there . I walked outside and there was Finn  .

"Finn!" I said happy and jumped into his arms .

"Thank god your okay." He said .

I looked at him and I knew something was wrong .

"What's wrong Finn?" I asked him

"I'm letting you  go." He said

I looked at him shocked and said ,


"I made a deal with my mom that if she got you out of here I go back home with her . " He told me

My heart shattered and I began to cry,

"No , you can't just go . We're in this together we have to stay together." I told him

"It was the only way to make sure you got to see your family." He said

"You are my family Finn , I love you ." I told him

He took my hands and held them and said ,

"I love you too , but you have to find your mom and dad . That was the whole point of this trip and you can't do that with me here ." He told me


Before I could say another would he pulled out a plane ticket and cash and said ,

"Here this will get you to New York and provide for you ." He told me

"No ! I don't want it." I cried

"Rachel , this is your destiny and I know it's hard but please surrender with me . Please do that because this is hard I know it is but you deserve to be happy ." He told me .

I leaped into his arms and cried ,

"I love you so Finn Hudson and I'm so glad that we met ."

He smiled and kissed me passionately one last time and said ,

"I love you too Rachel." and with that he got into his moms car and they drove off .

I stood there and put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the money and plane ticket he snuck into my pocket with a note .

"Go find your family kid .
Finn Hudson ."

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