The sponge cheese fic

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Welcome to the sponge cheese fic my emo crack family. This is for crankthatfrank 
One day Ryan Ross was watching Spongebob (his favorite show). When suddenly he realized something....

There was no more cheese wiz......

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelled Ryan as he searched everywhere he could for more of the delicious cheese wiz he adored so much. Ryan searched and searched but there was just no more cheese wiz left, and then he began to think 'What happened to all my cheese wiz?!?'

Then his next thought hit him like a fucking rock and he said, "IT WAS THE SAVE RYAN ROSS FUND!! THEY TOOK ALL MY CHEESE WIZ"

Ryan was furious until he looked back at the TV screen which played Spongebob square pants. When suddenly he had the greatest idea ever and Ryan runs up to the TV and uses his special majestic Ryden powers to go into the TV and then everything goes black...

Ryan opens his eyes to see that... IT WORKED!! He now possessed Spongebob and was the in Spongebob square pants show "Now time to get more cheese wiz" says Ryan as he walks off into the town.

(For those who don't like The Milk Fic I'm sorry)

Time skip brought to you by a gallon of milk
After Ryan had stolen all of the cheese wiz in the Bikini Bottom (I think I spelled that right) he sat down on a picnic table and started eating all the cheese wiz.

After all that cheese wiz eating he only had one (bottle can thing idk) left. And that's when Ryan began to think 'Maybe I don't need all this cheese wiz.. maybe the people were right.. I've eaten so much cheese wiz I can't even sweat it out...... not even with a fever..

Then Ryan was broken from his train of thought by the sight of the last cheese wiz container

"I don't need it..." he whispered

"I don't need it " he said again

"I don't need it!"

Ryan repeated this over and over again until he stopped... and just stared at the cheese wiz container.

And then he shouted


Ryan Ross then devoured the cheese wiz.


Thank you for reading this and once again this is for crankthatfrank and anyone else who wanted to read this.

(Sorry again about The Milk Fic joke btw I just had to 😂)

(400 words)

The sponge cheese fic Where stories live. Discover now