Chapter 2

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When I was walking to school the next morning, I saw Layla up ahead of me as I turned the corner. I had never known Layla lived close to me.

“Hey Layla, wait up!’ I yelled, running to catch up to her.

“Hey Layla,” I said, as I walked up beside her. She didn’t seem to be listening, so I tapped her on the shoulder.

“Oh, hey Bella! I didn’t see you there,” she said, pulling her earphones out of her ears.

“What are you listening to?” I ask her, trying to find something to talk about with her.

“One Direction,” she said, as she unplugged her earphones so I could hear. Of course she was listening to One Direction. She usually talked about them non-stop.

“Whenever you kiss him, I’m breaking. Oh, how I wish that was me.”

I have to say, these guys aren’t half bad. I hadn’t ever heard them sing before, and they actually sounded pretty good. The lyrics to the song were really relatable. I can see why Layla likes them.

“These guys are actually pretty good,” I said to Layla.

“Oh, so you like them?” she asked me. I nodded.

“Oh my god, yes! Not many of my friends like them! Actually, I don’t know anyone else who likes them. Now you can be my girl bud, and we can listen to their music together and fan-girl over them and talk about how much we love them!” Layla exclaimed, so excited that she only used one breath.

“You really love these guys, don’t you?”

“Totally! They call me a ‘Directioner’, which is someone who is a really huge fan and they know almost everything there is to know about them, and they’re really dedicated to them.”

I hope I never got like that. Obsessing over a boy-band, and not doing anything but obsessing over them, and looking at pictures at them and actin gall lovesick. Not my thing. I’d rather just stay in my room all day, being all alone and depressed.

Layla started to show me pictures of them on her iPod as we listened to other songs of theirs. They were five teenage boys, all quite good looking. If they could sing, and they were hot, they should be, like, the biggest band in the world.

For a moment, I didn’t think once about cutting myself, or killing myself, or how fat I was and how good exercise walking was for me. Just listening to this band sing made me feel better. They actually made me feel happy, and having a friend there with me, made it so much even better. And their song, “What Makes You Beautiful”, made me smile. It was about how there was this girl, and they were telling her how beautiful she was. It made me feel beautiful, which I had never felt in my entire life.

“Layla, what were you saying yesterday? About their concert they were having around here?” I asked her, curious.

“Oh, yeah. They’re on our right here, and they’re doing a show not too far out of town. It’s like, in a month, but tickets are sold out. I’m trying to find a way to get tickets, but I can’t.”

Just as she said that, her phone went off. She pulled it out of her pocket, and looked at it.

“Oh my god! My mom just texted me, saying there’s a concert to win tickets to meet One Direction and go to their concert! How ironic is that?”

“That’s awesome, Layla! Maybe you can enter and bring me along with you!” I said. Even though I had only known them for about ten minutes now, it would be awesome to meet them. I’d never felt this way about anything, and I’d never met anyone famous. Unless you can count the weatherman from the local news.

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