I love you

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For three months, it went like this. Every day, Harry would find at least an hour to get away and visit Dahlia at the cove. They spent hours laughing, telling each other secrets and stories, finding treasures (Captain Hook's shop had never been seen such beautiful merchandise), and falling in love. 

They never actually said "I love you". But today, Harry was going to do it. He had never heard those words said together in that order meaningfully but he was determined to get it right. 

When he arrived, he saw Dahlia sitting on a rock waiting for him. She looked like something was on her mind

"Ahoy, fishbait" Harry greeted her with the pet name he gave her "What's going on in that head of yers?"

"Harry, you know I really like you and I really would love to be able to be with you, right?"

"Aye..." He replied, a bit confused

"Well, I've been thinking. And I think maybe we should just stay friends."

"What do ye mean?" Harry asked "I thought ye said ye wanted to be with me just now!"

"I do! I really do!" Dahlia insisted "But we could never work! We live in two entirely different worlds and I don't think it would be fair to either of us. I mean, as much as I would love to, it's not like I can just grow legs and be on land with you."

"I guess yer right..." Harry admitted, heartbroken "or maybe yer not."

"What do you mean?" Dahlia asked, wondering what her pirate was thinking 

"Haven't ye ever heard of Ursula?" Harry asked, hope returning to his voice

"Well, yeah. But isn't magic blocked by the shield? And her magic always comes with a hefty price, doesn't it?"

"But I happen to know someone who comes in and out as she pleases. Maybe a potion made here might work outside." Harry said, thinking out loud

"We can try it. But again, how can we get Ursula to do it? She's not exactly the most giving person ever"

"We're not getting Ursula to do it. We're getting her kid to."

"What?" Dahlia asked. She was having trouble keeping up with his plans.

"Meet me back here at the same time tomorrow. I have a favor to call in."

"Okay..." was Dahlia's nervous reply

Harry leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips "Don't ye worry, love. I promise I'll find some way for this to work. I love ye, fishbait"

Before Dahlia could reply, Harry was running out of the cove

"I love you too, Harry" she whispered

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