Silver Roses

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|| Kingdom Hearts and it's characters do not belong to me, i only do this because of a hobby. This is set in a school Au where the Hanahaki disease exists. The only thing i own is the drawn i did for the cover image ||

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned"

Roxas panted heavily as he woke up out of the sudden in the middle of the night, his chest going up and down as he tried to calm down, sitting on the bed and wiping the sweat from his forehead. He looked around on his room and noticed that his sudden actions didn't woke up his dear brother, who was sleeping with all the sheets messing and falling but with a wide smile on his face, Roxas smiled softly and then looked to the window.

He woke up because he felt a sudden pain on his chest, so painful, that made him to forcibly open his eyes. But as he keep looking to the window, seeing the trees waving softly, he feels a bit disappointed, he is not feeling any pain now, and to add to that, he is not sleep anymore.

But when he is about to stand up to go to the bathroom, the painful feel cames back, and more painful, he feels like wanting to throw up, and feeling he won't make it to the bathroom, he runs instead of walking, covering his mouth with both hands as he feels something coming up from his stomach. And once he finally makes it, he can't hold it and just lets everything came out into the sink, coughing and holding his stomach.

When he stops, he tooks a deep breath and opens his eyes and looks in fear at what came out.

A flower.

A silver flower.

And when he was about to pick it up, the pain comes again and makes him hold his stomach again, coughing and letting everything out, he feels about six, or seven flowers getting out and then it stops, he tooks a deep breath and gently picks up one of the flowers, cleans the blood with his thumbs and looks at it, a single sign fills the room and the blond throws the flower in the trashcan, along with the others, then cleans all the mess and goes back to his room, back to his bed where he tries to close his eyes and have a normal night.

As the morning came Roxas was woke up, not for the pain, but because of his older brother, who was shaking him slightly, having a dorkly smile on his face.

"Roxas! Wake up! C'mon! You didn't forget right? Today Riku comes back from his vacations with his grandparents!" The brunette keep shaking his brother and keep rambling about how his best friend was coming back, after being one month away from him, to spend the rest of the summer vacations with him. "Roxas! You promised me you would came with me!"

Ah, sometimes Roxas regrets to be so kind to his brother. And with a whine he opened his eyes and just nodded at Sora's words, slowly standing up. He looks at his blue eyes and feels a bit of guilt on his chest, should he tell him about last night? About how he spilled flowers with the color of his best friend's hair? He decided to no, Roxas has been always like this, prefers to suffer in silence, instead of talking out about it.

After some long minutes, Roxas is finally out of the bathroom, already dressed and looks at Sora, who is waiting for him in their room and stands up from his bed when sees him, his cheeky smile still there.

"Ready?" And Roxas nods "Took you a while there!" But Roxas ignored his words, he can't tell him that he spit out another four flowers of the same color while he was showering and had to wash all his body again thanks to the blood.

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