Kidnapped pt 2

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Winter pov

When we finally arrived me and Trevor went to the backyard and saw two guards.i shot one and Trevor shot the other.

Lucas pov

I rung Erica's doorbell 3 times before she answered.

"Lucas?!?"she said alarmed

"Hey baby"

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I missed you.."

"You did?"

"I want you back baby...I love you"I said walking up to her

"I thought you said you didn't love me"she said turning around

"I don't know what I was thinking...Erica "I said turning her around

"So you love me??"

"Of course"

"Then make love to me"she said then kissed me

I picked her up and walked to her bedroom.I laid down on the bed rough.i began to kiss her neck and she closed her eyes.i took the needle out of my pocket and stucked it in her neck fast

"Ah!"she said then knocked out

I looked up and saw winter and Trevor and a guard behind them about to shoot them I aimed the gun between winter and Trevor head and shot the guard

"Nigga you ain't seen me standing here?you could have shot me!?"winter said

"But did I ?"Lucas asked

"What if she's not really here?"winter said

"SHE IS...I can feel it"Lucas

Out of nowhere we heard the sound of babies and Trevor looked at each other with wide eyes and ran upstairs.we got in the room and saw Nicole holding both of the babies

"Put them down"Trevor said aiming the gun at her
"I wasn't gonna hurt them Trev-"

Nicole slowing put them down and stood to the side allowing Lucas to go pick them up

"Where is Tyliah?"winter asked


Winter hit Nicole with the gun

"Wrong answer bitch"

"I'm sorry"she said crying

"Where is she!"


"We looked down there"

"There's a secret door behind the bookshelf you have to push it"Nicole said holding her head Trevor immediately ran to the basement

"Give me the babies Lucas ill watch them and Her"Winter said eyeing  Nicole

"Ok"Lucas said giving the babies the winter and went downstairs

Trevor's pov

I went to the basement and pushed the bookshelf.i went inside and saw Tyliah tied up.she then looked over at me.i ran over and untied her


"Hey"he said while hugging her

"I'm so happy to see you"Tyliah kissed me on the cheek and looked me into my eyes then Lucas ran in

"Lucas!"She got out of My hold and ran to hug Lucas,

"How did you guys know I was here?"she said

"I got that special connection with you"Lucas said then leaned in for a kiss but she turned her head and looked at me

"Wait where are my babies"she said loudly

"Don't worry winter got them upstairs"I said

Without a word she ran upstairs Trevor and Lucas followed


Tyliah's Pov

I ran upstairs and saw winter watching over the twins and a gun pointed at Nicole.I ran and gave winter a quick hug then ran to the twins

"I'm so glad there safe"I said holding them

"So what are we going to do with Nicole?"winter asked

"Let her go"I said

"What?"Lucas said

"Why"Trevor said

"Just leave her..lets go!"said,they all followed after me

"Oh shit"Lucas said stopping at a room

"What?" we all said

"Erica's gone"

Tyliah in MM

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