Don't Leave Me

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*Bucky's POV*

She hadn't even said anything, before her eyes rolled back into her skull and her body went completely limp in my arms "No no no... come on Nat... please." My voice cracked as I roughly shook her shoulders, panic rolling over me when I realized how cool her skin now was to the touch "Please... please don't leave me... you can't..." I pulled her all the way into my lap, cradling her head against my bare chest, thinking that maybe, just maybe, the contact would make a difference. Her burned hand fell against the side of the table, time seeming to crawl to a complete stop, like we were the only two people in the room... "Baby you can't leave me like this... please don't leave me..." I carefully laid her down, stepping away from the table so they could attempt to revive her "She has to be alright... she just has to... She can't leave me like this." I eventually slid down to the floor, my head resting in my hands as the room erupted into a flurry of activity.

It had been hours, or at least it felt like it. I had been pulled out of the medical room soon after laying her down, and it had taken everything Steve had in him to hold me back... they'd eventually managed to stabilize Natalie, but she was now hanging on to life by just a thread, every second she took another breath was a miracle.

Stark told me she'd gone into shock, and with everything that was already inside her, her body had simply shut down. There really was no better explanation for what was happening to her...

I sat next to her bed, one hand on top of hers, the other softly moving through her hair as I talked to her. Stark had also suggested that, telling me that it "was worth a try..." and at this point, I was willing to do anything...

"Buck do you want me to stay with her so you can rest?" I kept my eyes closed, my head now resting by her hand, but still shook my head no at Steve's voice. I was so exhausted after everything that had gone on since last night that I didn't even react when I felt his hand on my shoulder "You aren't doing Nat any favors by doing this to yourself... go get a couple hours of sleep. I'll be right here with her the entire time."

*Natalie's POV*

My eyes struggled to adjust to the harsh white light of the room, and I blinked a few times before I noticed that Steve was sitting next to my bed, and he nearly jumped out of his chair when he realized I was awake "Bucky..." I barely managed to say his name... and Steve put his hand right next to mine, his eyes watering heavily as he looked down at me.

"I told him he needed to rest, I can go get him?" He moved to stand up, but I shook my head, wincing at the pain that seemed to blanket my entire being, and the warmth that also seemed so close, and so inviting. I didn't want Bucky to be here for this, I didn't need him to see what I knew was about to happen...

"Tell him... tell him I love him." I used the last of my strength to barely touch Steve's hand, to feel how warm his skin was.

It would be the last thing I ever felt, as I took my last breath... my eyes slowly closing as the monitors in the room sounded the alarm. That long, never ending, ridiculously loud beep. The sound that always breaks your heart when you hear it in the movies...

Steve let out a quiet sob, pulling his hand away from mine and holding it in front of his mouth as he attempted to muffle the sound.

He knew I was gone...

*Bucky's POV*

"It was peaceful..." I ignored Steve as he talked, my eyes only concentrating on her still form, and the clean white sheet they'd covered her with. Her hand was so cold against mine, and I still moved my thumb lightly across her palm, thinking, hoping that none of this was real... that I was just having another one of my terrible nightmares...

"Did she... did she say anything?" I blinked a few times, tears finally beginning to trickle down my cheeks, my mind finally beginning to accept that she wasn't coming back, that she wasn't going to wake up... that this wasn't just a bad dream. Steve sighed as he took a seat next to me, his hands running through his hair before he leaned back in the chair.

"She told me to tell you..." He hesitated, leaning forward, his hand coming to rest on my left shoulder "Natalie said she loved you Bucky. That's... that's all she said."

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