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"you look really pretty kageyama!"

after coming back to hinata's place
hinata said
he was hungry so kageyama wore a baby blue kitchen robe and began to cook.
"thank you hinata now
i am an official chef."
kageyama giggled silently while
stirring noodles .

after eating two boys sat down not knowing what to do.
"hey bakeyama im bored."
hinata pouted and threw a pillow at kags.
"wanna watch a movie? maybe a sad one."
tobio offered taking a cd out of his backpack.
"you know i really love sad movies.they never make me cry its just sad."
hinata said sitting up straight.

✧after the movie✧

"i cant believe he left his sick best friend for the girl who cheated on him!"
hinata cried while screaming at the main character.
"aww its okay hinata come here."
kageyama patted the empty place next to him.
hinata crawled on top of kageyama and hugged him.

it wasnt the movie that made him cry
he couldn't help but imagine those two best friends as him and tobio.
what would he do if tobio left him?

he lifted his head up and looked at kageyama's deep blue eyes.
"can i cuddle with you? is it okay if two boys do this?"

"it doesn't mean anything as long as you dont feel anything towards boys."
kageyama smiled and closed his eyes.
he still kept stroking hinata's hair.

this sight melted hinata's heart.
at one point he really thought his heart skipped a beat.
he lied his head on
tobio's chest and fell asleep

✧fanart credit to owner✧

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