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hinata woke up to the sound of rain.the sound of storms made his head hurt.
these types of weathers scared him.

he opened his
eyes searching for kageyama
did he leave? no way.
hinata's eyes began to water his sight was getting blurry.

"oh did you wake up?"
he heard a deep but
soft voice behind him.
his heart began to race
that was his tobio's voice.

"im scared kageyama."
tobio sat down next to him and lifted his chin up.
"it's alright i'm here now
you have me."
kageyama whispered into his ear.right now his voice was husky
since he just woke up.

hinata gulped at how hot he sounded.
"please hold me..."
the weather was still pretty bad and hinata wanted to go back to sleep as soon as possible.
"the weather is crazy isnt it huh?
it's also pretty early 3 am."
kageyama said while
looking out of the window.

hinata began to sob silently again.he remembered how he had to deal with weathers like this when he was alone.

kageyama glanced at hinata.slowly he leaned down and kissed hinata's forehead.

"hinata can i kiss you on your forehead? is it okay for me to do it?"
hinata nodded
he slowly leaned in and pecked kageyama's cheek.
"lets go back to sleep."

can i? || kagehinaWhere stories live. Discover now