How yall met

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Tyler: You were at Taco Bell getting some food and when you sat down you put your headphones one and you stared to sing and you feel a tap on your shoulder and you look back and you see Tyler Joseph and he says you sing very pretty what's your name and you respond with your name and he says okay so Y/N what do you do for a living and y'all just stared talking

Josh: You recently got into drumming and you went down to your local music store and you stared looking a drum sticks and you just looked and looked until a cute boy came up to you and asked if you drum and you say yes that you recently got into it and you are not very good so what's your name you say then he says Josh Dun what about you then you say Y/N and Y/L/N and he says I like that and you want to meet up some day and practice drumming so  y'all exchanged numbers

I hope that was good

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