Prim and Proper ?

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2 years later...

Damarion was tapping his feet impatiently as the girl in front of him talking about something insanely boring. He respected that choices for each person could be different but he could not select her for his life partner and adjust his habits.

And even though he still pretended to be heartbroken over the breakup with Willow they both chatted over the phone for hours. He was indebted to Eva for life for what she was doing. She was turning his rebel to a princess. Honestly, some part of him was scared.

What if Willow was a whole different person? What is she loses her charming edge? But then every day she would talk to him about crazy weird things, how she was rule breaking even at a royal academy, how the bullies were scared of her even though she didn't belong to a rich family or how she wrote another song.

He kept peeking at his watch because today was the day Willow was coming back. He was on a forced date because of his mom but that was about to end in five minutes because he had to go and be the first person to meet Willow.

"It seems like I am boring you Damarion?" The girl in front of him said.

Everything about her was high-class from her elegant knot to her white dress and pearls that rested on her neck. A smile appeared on her glossy pink lips and she looked amused.

"What is her name?" She asked taking Damarion by surprise.


"Name of the girl who has you smitten enough to not even look at me." She was not annoyed just teasing him.

"Willow." He answered truthfully for some reason.

"Lucky girl, fine I will just set you free before you die of love sickness and will tell them that I didn't like the prince." She was so cool about it that Damarion just looked with confusion.

"I love someone else as well so as long as I could postpone the impending marriage, I will." She shared her secret.

"I am sorry for my behaviour Violet," Damarion said sincerely.

"No worries, everything is fair in love and war." She rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Do I need to drop you somewhere?" He asked like a gentleman he was.

"No, I think you stop checking the watch while you drive."

And with that, she left him smiling to himself relieved that someone was on the same page as him.


His eyes searched for someone dressed elegantly like Eva maybe, a floral dress or something formal like a white silk shirt and black trousers but his eyes lit up as he noticed Willow dragging her bag dressed in skinny black jeans and a long denim shirt. 

He almost jogged forward and she halted with surprise.

"Prince." She said with a smile.

There were subtle changes about her like her hair was glossy and styled into waves, she carried herself with chin straight and proud posture but what made Damarion fall in love all over again was her signs from old self, the kohl eyes, the weird collection of locket and bands. 

"Seriously, did you just went there and have fun, you look the same." He was delighted about that.

"je vous ai manqué" She said with a sly smile.

"You speak French now?" He sounded impressed and kissed her cheek, "I missed you too."

"I learned many things, most of them I sucked at but some I enjoyed." She said as they walked together.

Damarion was holding her hand like it was a habit and she was comfortable with it.

"Where to next?" He asked now finally his Willow was back he was happy again.

"To greet your mother." She said confidently.

"Umm... are you sure?" He asked.

"I can't let you mope around in pain over a break up now so I need to tell your mother we are back together." She said with a smile.

"Can I kiss you right now?" Damarion asked with a cheeky grin.

"Can you stop asking already?" She said and pulled him for a kiss.

Willow Gibson might have learnt a lot but to Damarion's delight she could never be Prim and Proper.


Worried glances....Was this okay? Not okay?

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